Fun War :: POD Clan
POD Clan has accepted a FW Challenge from WASP2.
Tentative details of the WASP2 vs POD Fun War:
# Date: Sunday, 21 October (will be Monday for some WASP ppl)
# Official Time: 9:00 PM (21:00) US Eastern Standard Time (New York time);
# Server: Dvinsk
WASP members USE the connect command that I will send via PM and MSN to connect to the server.
POD members check with PODBO$$ for the IP and password.
# Matchtype: Fun War
# Gametype: Clan Arena (3 of 5 maps)
# Password: Will be sent via PM and MSN
# Players: 3 vs 3
# Timelimit: 0
# Fraglimit: 15
# Config: plus
# Maps: 1++ & overkill (POD's choices) and DM11 & DM12 (WASP2's choices)
# (Tie-Map): DM6 (Played in Freeze tag mode)
# Friendly Fire: OFF
# Punkbuster: ON
# Pure Server: ON
# Camp Protection: ON
NOTE: Only POD and Wasp members will be allowed on the server during the match and all MUST be using their respective Clan Tags. The ONLY exceptions will be 2 referees (1 submitted by each clan) who will officiate the match and record demos and 2 observers (1 submitted by each Clan).
Members of BOTH Clans please let your respective leader know what time is most convenient. SPEAK UP NOW!
All Wasp2 members, join the server with your Official Clan tag in place.
Looking forward to this FW, should be a great match.
GL ppl
Hey! Had fun tonight! Good Games too. For those who weren't there..
DM11-- POD:15 WASP2:11
Overkill-- POD:15 WASP2:10
DM14-- POD:13 WASP2:15
1++-- POD:15 WASP:10
GG's. Need to do that more often
GG :roll:
one more screenshot
yeah, was fun
nice tactics every1
awesome nice going POD! great first war stabby.
ya put up a good fight though wasp!
ya i dont know how i got 28 in first round but lol at least we win
GG POD, as I told you at the end of the match. I'd like to thank Kee and Dvinsk for the the use of their server.
I would have posted sooner but I needed to catch up on some work that I had been neglecting.
A re-post of the previous images (from my screenshots) but larger and clearly showing WASP2's scores.
Q3DM11 Map Results (save it to see the right side of the picture):

Overkill Map Results (save it to see the right side of the picture):

Q3DM14 Map Results (save it to see the right side of the picture):

1++ Map Results (save it to see the right side of the picture):
