erased config
I know I should search first and blaa blaa but now I'm just so tired and angry that I don't want to.
Problem: my config-file gets erased everytime I go to play on some server.
Yesterday I tried to bind teamchat from the setup>controls>misc. Usually I don't do that - if I want to change something I just change the binding straight to the config file.
Now the game or server or something erases my config so that it takes away everything I change in it. For example if I change enemymodel before the game, those settings gets erased and there is no enemymodel at all in my settings after the game. Also I loose all crosshair settings and that sort of things. And it's REALLY ANNOYING! :evil:
I tried to fix it so that I take all bindings off from the setup>controls and then copy the old config to the excessiveplus-folder. Didn't work.
I don't know what I should do now. Why does the config get erased? And why doesn't the game erase all of it but only parts of it? I just can't understand this.
i have the same problem one .. i fix it .. to paste config to baseq3 .. and all other folder .. and it worked .. maybe you try it ?
have a nice day
alison what program do u use to serch and connecting servers ?
- its not posible to quake3 inself delete the cfg or parts of this cfg but if yours loader read the cfg from pk3 or other mod config the can overwrite the q3confi.cfg file in e+ folder
- and what a cfg file u r talking the "q3config.cfg" or yors writen by writeconfig command ?
ten u must run quke3 by "quake3.exe" and u must run it by xpsingleplayer.bat
no probs there with ase, too
Well Alison When You Chance Thing Things In Game And want to save it type in the ~ console
/writeconfig q3config
but dont give name yors cfg "q3config.cfg" bycose its default cfg and be overwrite, sometimes
/writeconfig name
and when u wona exec cfg filr use
/exec name
writeconfig is not so usful cmd, beter meake own cfg file using notepad, then is clear and u can put comand there that u only wona to put, in q3config.cfg its all comands that q3 needs to run.
its also good to ad in yors cfg file bind like this
bind F1 exec name.cfg
presing one buton u can load yors setings
one other thing
first line of cfg itts good to make /unbindall cmd, and last snd_restart or vid_restart both doing the same...
i had the very same problem with qconnect i started a thread about it too, so hq i can still use qconnect and when my cfg gets wipped have a custom one to load? can you help me on msn with this??
YES! Thank you external. It worked.
Hmm.. I connect to servers from this website.