*DS* 5:0 SHOX/21.05.2006/RANKED
Goodgame :!:
GG All omg ppl ! then now we are must tooking about why Ds can't play with Ds ? They can't and this is finish ,U are creazy ppl ! so ,maybe we can tooking about : why Drt don't want play freez ? this is same quest why Ds don't want play Ctf ! For me this is ONLY GAME 4fun but many ppl this game take to much serious. thx
Gl&Hf :>>>
Co za typ z Ciebie Faith , kto ci dal prawo do tego aby publikowac to na forum co pisze osobiscie do ciebie , jestes nienormalny czlowieku ...
Chcialem pogadac na gg wczoraj ale Ciebie oczywiscie duma zzera ... ja tak samo moge napisac ze wy sie boicie grac freez jesli ty mi stawiasz zarzut ze sie boje grac CTF , proste
heh.. a co ja tam takiego zacytowalem? ze rezygnujesz z meczu i tyle, chodzilo tylko i wylacznie o date wypowiedzi, nic wiecej, jak cos moge wyedytowac.. fakt wczoraj pisales na gg pozno w nocy [00:30] nie pomyslales ze mnie przy kompie nie ma?.. fajnie tez by bylo jak bys mi powiedzial gdzie ja napisalem ze czegos sie boisz grac.. w pierwszym poscie napisalem ze nie macie jaj, by powiedziec prawde wymyslacie wymowki. a co do freeze fakt nie gramy tego trybu gry oficjalnie, ale jak juz sie z kims umowimy to jestesmy na meczu..
heh.. and what did i qoute there? it was ur info bout whitdrawing from game, tahts all, if there is a problem with that qoute ill edit my post, its true that u tried to contact me yesterday night, but it was late, didnt u think that i might sleep... also u say that i said that ur afraid to play sth, if so plz qoute my post, i said u havent got balls becouse u didnt tell me u just dont want to play with us , but u made excuses. as for freeze: true we dont play it official but when we arrange cw, we attend on it..

Dokladnie. Widze, ze kultura ani inteligencja nie grzeszysz. Nie wystawia sie publicznie tego co ktos napisal bez jego zgody. Niewazne, i tacy ludzie maja prawo zyc. Co do tego co napisal Ex: najlepszych zawodnikow nie bylo - czytaj Scorpiona i Xeno, bowiem wszyscy jestesmy rowni. Takze nie masz sie do czego przyczepic i zamilcz. Problemy mozemy rozwiazywac na arenie. Najlepiej w postaci solowek. Mam wrazenie, ze jakby Ci ktos porzadnie uszy utarl to bys zmiekl.
no no, jestem na tyle kulturalny ze jeszcze nie rzucam miesem tak jak "twoje ziomble" i na tyle inteligetny zeby na miedzynarodowym forum uzywac jezyka ktory wiekszkosc zrozumie.. btw. wielkie dzieki za prawo do zycie.. fajnie ze "problemy" w twoim zyciu rozwiazujesz na arenach - moze pora odlaczyc sie od MATRIXA
yeh.. im mannerly enough that i dont insult ppl just like "ur niggaz" do, and inteligent enough to use write in english on international forum, so most of ppl can understand.. eh. nice that u figure ur problems on arena - maybe its time to dissconnect from matrix
Wogole to lyknij sobie te WO! huj mnie to ... w moich oczach od dzis jestes poprostu nikim ... szkoda bo uwazalem cie za spoko kolesia ...
jeszcze nie zrozumiales ze tu nie chodzi o w/o..
yet u didnt got it... its not bout W/o in this case...

GG All
omg ppl ! then now we are must tooking about why Ds can't play with Ds ? They can't and this is finish ,U are creazy ppl ! so ,maybe we can tooking about : why Drt don't want play freez ? this is same quest why Ds don't want play Ctf ! For me this is ONLY GAME 4fun but many ppl this game take to much serious. thx
Gl&Hf :>>>
u wanna stop this convo but u start it allover again,..
as for: are afraid to play sth.. yeh look at screens from ctf war vs NWC.. we lost both ctf maps, also we got owned on mkbase, we knew that their much better in ctf.. but we came on the freaky war, and played it. coz it was fun, and also good expirience for us [same was with 2!s]
also i wanna say that probably we would have this argument now if ds agree for normal ctf war, normal war is imho = ff=1 and timelimit=15
future talk bout this thing has no sense..
/me @ whatever
u wanna stop this convo but u start it allover again,..
yeah, I'm start and I hope finish one post but I can't couse I must answer for U post : > hehe peac
as for: are afraid to play sth.. yeh look at screens from ctf war vs NWC.. we lost both ctf maps, also we got owned on mkbase, we knew that their much better in ctf.. but we came on the freaky war, and played it. coz it was fun, and also good expirience for us [same was with 2!s
Match with NWC it's ONE BIG LAGG

Match with NWC it's ONE BIG LAGG
ye for us. it was mostly on US servers. and guess what, we are not cowards to go home crying to mommy as soon as we get lag. or dont have the best setup... etc...
and look at the last screen. we played freeze. on US server. in a ranked war btw.
Agree with foksie when it comes to drt in general - BUT I got to point out that certain members of DRT are not that brave as they think. That pissed me on a couple of times when they disconencted while they get their ass spanked. And NO it was not FAITH
Anyway - my conclusion is that calling each other cowards and so on ... is quite pointless
For ranking
I must ask is this mach for rank ?
Because I dont konow that oponent clan even exist until now :
I writhe in polish becouse it's to FAITH :!: Why we don't play with DRT
: I had some reasons , that's all
i know some clans don't like ppl of *DS* and i'm sure we got wO! , but it's unimportant for me ... i tell for faith why we can't play 3 days ago match , and it being fair in my mind :roll:
"Only God Can Judge Me"