DEVA vs. HYPER 2:0 for Hyper 22.01.06

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Absti's picture
Joined: Aug 2005
DEVA vs. HYPER 2:0 for Hyper 22.01.06
x.foksie'loy.drt? wrote:

kek wrote:
Therefore, I for one will no longer play in any CW vs DEVA clan and neither vs any DEVA member. (dunno about the rest of the KO members, im just speaking for myself)

same here. dont know about the rest of drt, but as long as ill have rcons im gonna kick devas from r0 servers. and ban one specific one...

Wouldnt kick Deva members out of server just for being Deva, but its your decision.
Furthermore i wont play with Blaster/Spy and wont compete in any serious match with Devas (Altough they might not care Winking), too, I guess its same for the other DRTs.

TeHaCe's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
DEVA vs. HYPER 2:0 for Hyper 22.01.06

LoL :roll: Thinking

Bazz's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
DEVA vs. HYPER 2:0 for Hyper 22.01.06

foksie you gonna kick all deva members from ring servers ? dont be funny :roll: if you gonna kick someone from deva (im dont talking about blaster) because its Your caprice i will talk with nhl to decrease Your admin function Sad so pls dont generalize deva with not admin so ppl from e+ who have admin function do what You think.....

eXtReMe's picture
Joined: Jul 2005
DEVA vs. HYPER 2:0 for Hyper 22.01.06

Foksie'LOL haha Laughing

"Only God Can Judge Me"

...Rush...'s picture
Joined: Sep 2005
DEVA vs. HYPER 2:0 for Hyper 22.01.06

LOL Foksie... :twisted: I play with u in PB server... Winking

Asus H310, Intel i5 9600k, 16Gb DDR4, RTX 3060, Logitech MX518

foksie's picture
Joined: Jun 2005
DEVA vs. HYPER 2:0 for Hyper 22.01.06

Then go talk to him. I wont be agressive to all devas, simply cause most of you guys are great. But ill just throw a gentle reminder every now and then. You guys support a proven cheater. If you accidentaly get kicked, its not my fault :twisted: Winking

As for spy he will be banned on sight, so if you really want a cheater in clan, you will be able to play him only on area 51 servers... Good luck to you if you do.

Rush, dont worry i dont think any of you other devas cheat Winking

I am proud of spreading a pirated Excessive Plus version and claim to be the original author, yay!

Joined: Nov 2005
DEVA vs. HYPER 2:0 for Hyper 22.01.06

Well I could be a little biased, but I dunno why s Blaster can't get one more chance. Ppl make mistakes, getting tempted by power etc., but as long as they know they did wrong and willing to improve I have nothing against giving a chance for ex-cheaters. I mean ppl like Poland(I don't know him, but I heard a bit) surely don't deserve that,but this is different case. I didn't know too that Blaster is Spy, I didn't even know that Spy was cheating, I played with him few(literally few) times, but haven't noticed anything suspicious, and we were playing with pb off, so If he would want, he could cheat. Still it's everybody personal choice forgive and give limited trust to or not forgive. Maybe i'm naive, maybe I simply believe in ppl. Besides he already lost all respect in many of you eyes and when ppl don't respect you, it sucks.

eXtReMe's picture
Joined: Jul 2005
DEVA vs. HYPER 2:0 for Hyper 22.01.06
x.foksie'loy.drt? wrote:

Then go talk to him. I wont be agressive to all devas, simply cause most of you guys are great. But ill just throw a gentle reminder every now and then. You guys support a proven cheater. If you accidentaly get kicked, its not my fault :twisted: Winking

As for spy he will be banned on sight, so if you really want a cheater in clan, you will be able to play him only on area 51 servers... Good luck to you if you do.

Rush, dont worry i dont think any of you other devas cheat Winking

devas cheat ?? OMG are u crazy?? I totally don't agree with u , if u think all deva (bazz tehace gasp exeqtor benny rush koduku vader ) are cheaters u must be ass !! I know blaster aka SPY cheated but it not meat all devas are cheaters man !! Check all deva on PB server man , me 2 ... i played in deva 10 months maybe i'm cheater too .. who know Laughing and leave in quiet rush Big grin

"Only God Can Judge Me"

Absti's picture
Joined: Aug 2005
DEVA vs. HYPER 2:0 for Hyper 22.01.06

Extreme are you sure you read Foksies post carefully enough?
Maybe im wrong but if he writes
Rush, dont worry i dont think any of you other devas cheat
your answer
devas cheat ?? OMG are u crazy?? I totally don't agree with u , if u think all deva (bazz tehace gasp exeqtor benny rush koduku vader ) are cheaters u must be ass
seems not to fit. Winking

eXtReMe's picture
Joined: Jul 2005
DEVA vs. HYPER 2:0 for Hyper 22.01.06

he write too: " same here. dont know about the rest of drt, but as long as ill have rcons im gonna kick devas from r0 servers. and ban one specific one... "
Why he want kick all deva from r0 servers , i don't understand that Worried

"Only God Can Judge Me"