:: Croatian National Team ::
Well,I'm glad there are ppl that shair my opinion,I'm not homophobic or affraid of anyone just to make that clear.
@Dark: Talking to someone local that u just met over the net may be fine,but would u feel the same way if that other person is twice your age AND the same sex? If u wouldnt have a problem with that D4rk,I gotta say gg man.
Well,I'm glad there are ppl that shair my opinion,I'm not homophobic or affraid of anyone just to make that clear.
@Dark: Talking to someone local that u just met over the net may be fine,but would u feel the same way if that other person is twice your age AND the same sex? If u wouldnt have a problem with that D4rk,I gotta say gg man.
im saying exactly what your saying man, i would feel very uncomfortable with it, i was meant to say someone of my age and a different sex like female or shemale is ok

im saying exactly what your saying man, i would feel very uncomfortable with it, i was meant to say someone of my age and a different sex like female or shemale is ok
I'm glad were on the same vibe...call me sometimes
Po pitanju tagova,moze svatko napravit svoju ideju pa predlozit ostalima,pa cemo odlucit svi zajedno koji nam se najvise svidja...sto se tice treninga,moglo bi bit problema oko nabavke servera...no,i to se da rijesit
Ako cemo trenirat u dane kad nije nedjelja, mogu ja nazicat drt servere za trening. imamo jedan 5 slot i jedan 12 slot private server.
sto se tice tagova, najbolje da svako posta svoj prijedlog ovdje pa lupimo poll i odlucimo koji je best
Ajmo vatreni!
Losa ideja...vrlo losa...ako zelis znati koliko su jaki poljaci-vrlo su jaki,posto im je pola ekipe iz KO.Ako zelis neki friendly mec,preporucam da za pocetak izaberemo neku slabiju momcad jer bi mec protiv poljske mogo jako negativno utjecat na sveukupnu atmosferu u momcadi
RATZ and I in the peace now.
And I think that we will be a good frends in future. 
Now "Croatian national team" is very strong now:
We have new memebers: Welcome LEM.Ratz and SNOOPY :!:
- All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die...