Dont Buy XFX video cards

i recently tryed to warenty 2 old 8600gts i used to use the had blown capacitors they denied me even tho life time warenty on that series for origanal owner i got them back one had gpu fan busted off and 4 capacitors busted clean off the other had a little scratch they they cant cover them so i filed claim with post office to try and recop my money that the value was worth il have somebodys ass by the time im done

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TanaKa's picture
Joined: May 2010
Re: Dont Buy XFX video cards

I found this brand was interesting sometimes because of cheap GPUs, and the fact it has earlier the newest GPUs.
Anyway, thanks for the advice.

"Skill is when luck becomes a habit".

HK_Kenshiro's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
Re: Dont Buy XFX video cards


You should know that ANY manufacturers will refuse to take your card in warranty. A custumer even if he's the "divine emperror of manufacturers" have no rights to separate card from fan. If you start to dissasemble your card (even fan) you loose your warranty.

You will tell me : eh, Ken, what's about CPU and their fan?. CPUs are sold in a "bundle", it's the costumer who have to assemble the final product. It also give a special warranty on this parts. CPU have his own warranty like the fan. (Even if in case of RMA (Return merchandise autorization) you should send back the both item)

In your case, they can't take it in warranty for following cause : Mofset (capacitors) are not on the main board. 2nd thing, you dissasemble the fan from the main board. 3rd thing : your product have missing component. Manufacturers can't give you a warranty on broken product (sometime they can... the exception that confirm rule) They just can conclude that you makes mistakes when you try to dissasemble the fan.

Even if what i'm saying don't fit in your case, Manufacturers have the last word as you see. i'm sorry for you, hope you will have more luck to your next product..

[And for some of you who will tell me : huh? you loose warranty if you dissasemble fan on graphic card? you are a little joker Tongue, why manufacturers like ZALMAN sell graphic card fan?

OFC yes you loose warranty, if your card die, to return your product, you have to go back the fan that was sold with your product (without kill the screw heads). If a manufacturer notice that you remove the fan, you loose Tongue. (That why now, for big card like nvidia 6xx/5xx/4xx they put the serial number stiker on the fan sort of you can't remove if, remember (WARRANTY VOID IF REMOVED)]

You 're already dead!

popacap's picture
Joined: Dec 2007
Re: Dont Buy XFX video cards

they didnt reject me for the aftermarket fans was for broken capacitors which i need replaced any way they were blown now i got them back and most are busted off then what they said

popacap's picture
Joined: Dec 2007
Re: Dont Buy XFX video cards

plus now i dont run that small of a card i have a evga geforce 465 superclocked

jeffrey's picture
Joined: Aug 2006
NL Netherlands
Re: Dont Buy XFX video cards

Works like a charm Happy

Forum moderator
Divx's picture
Joined: Aug 2008
GB United Kingdom
Re: Dont Buy XFX video cards


You should know that ANY manufacturers will refuse to take your card in warranty. A custumer even if he's the "divine emperror of manufacturers" have no rights to separate card from fan. If you start to dissasemble your card (even fan) you loose your warranty.

You will tell me : eh, Ken, what's about CPU and their fan?. CPUs are sold in a "bundle", it's the costumer who have to assemble the final product. It also give a special warranty on this parts. CPU have his own warranty like the fan. (Even if in case of RMA (Return merchandise autorization) you should send back the both item)

In your case, they can't take it in warranty for following cause : Mofset (capacitors) are not on the main board. 2nd thing, you dissasemble the fan from the main board. 3rd thing : your product have missing component. Manufacturers can't give you a warranty on broken product (sometime they can... the exception that confirm rule) They just can conclude that you makes mistakes when you try to dissasemble the fan.

Even if what i'm saying don't fit in your case, Manufacturers have the last word as you see. i'm sorry for you, hope you will have more luck to your next product..

[And for some of you who will tell me : huh? you loose warranty if you dissasemble fan on graphic card? you are a little joker Tongue, why manufacturers like ZALMAN sell graphic card fan?

OFC yes you loose warranty, if your card die, to return your product, you have to go back the fan that was sold with your product (without kill the screw heads). If a manufacturer notice that you remove the fan, you loose Tongue. (That why now, for big card like nvidia 6xx/5xx/4xx they put the serial number stiker on the fan sort of you can't remove if, remember (WARRANTY VOID IF REMOVED)]

you can remove the coolers from evga cards without voiding the warrenty afaik (useful to know if watercooling)

Deathadder | Goliathus Speed | Filco Majestouch | i7 3770 | 16GB | GTX 1080 | Xonar Essence ST | Sennheiser HD598

Joined: Jul 2012
Re: Dont Buy XFX video cards


Joined: Jul 2012
Re: Dont Buy XFX video cards

nice GTS 250 Jeff :]

//▲~ GMZ ~▲\\
Joined: Nov 2011
Re: Dont Buy XFX video cards

Since the day XFX was established, a friend of mine asked me regarding buying a new Vcard and that was to be XFX, the very clear answer was to be (don't buy it!!) not to make any type of abuse toward the company, but their principle and the base they stand upon is so clear, low quality essentials! better prices!!

So my advice to all of you gamers and players and PC buyers wf whichever type or use for, while I am not sure if the XFX improved their quality lately or not while not bothering to check for to figure, but never save the few extras, and buy a good quality, if you don't have the budget for the extra to get the best quality of the model you looking for while that all is regarding VGA cards, then go for some older models with a quality standards of manufacture, since in all cases newer models do not have that much of a difference unless you are trying to be up to date with the most recent platforms though older models would still give you enough performance if you choose well and that is based on hardware developer companies followed policy which is not our topic or subject to speak about now or here,

And unless you're looking for that very specific model for a certain reason and you have to go for a cheaper than the more expensive to afford it, then follow my advice here which I am not giving as an opinion but as a pro in this field, choose the older with a better quality standards better than to buy the newer with more advances and higher specs, if you really want to save yourself the money!!

Follow this advice specilly with VGA cards, you will never regret it,

And if you'd like to have my opinion regarding which brand to go for, again I say it, I am not giving this opinion as a newby or as a person with limited knowledge about VGA cards....

I don't work for ASUS nor they are my relatives! ASUS VGA cards might not give you the highest specs nor the most advanced technology and/or overclockings and stuff, other companies tend to make some interesting features and additions to gain the customers attention with, but ASUS of the companies which give good qualities good that last longer, and of the ones which give good qualities the highest consideration!

ASUS are not the only ones, as there are some other good companies too and each has good stuff to speak about within quality,

Whoever is reading this, if you need any advice regarding which VGA card and for whatever budget is best, never hesitate to PM me, I tryed almost all brands! I have enough knowledge about Vcards, I happened to be a PC (desktop) hardware builder in the past, benifit from my experience and I will help you with what I can, within God's will you won't regret it

Have fun at E+ and never take it with hard feelings no matter how much you lose nor how much stupid or dump or punk or bad or blithering idiot the player you are playing with really is, it's just a game and we are here to have fun and enjoy our times!!