Impact of RL to Gaming

Holla Novatos,

I just was wondering about myself.

I was wondering, why the hell I make such good games on Sundays and just average games from Monday till Saturday.

On Sundays I can stand the pace with the good ones, ofc I am the opinion they are much better than me, but nevertheless. Under the week I have just an average performance.

So I was thinking how it can be to make on Sundays 30, 40 and 50 frags with skilled enemies and otherwise just around 15-20 no matter if enemies are skilled or not. Fact is, Sundays are the only days on which I really sleep until I wake up by myself, which leads to that I am able to play intuitive, I don’t need to look at crosshair and if it is on enemy, I simply do it. Under the week I just sleep around 5-6 hours/night and really don’t hit much if I don’t concentrate on crosshair a lot.

I found out, I need at least 8-9 hours’ sleep to bring up proper performances.

Concerning this I also found out, it really helps me if I take for example dextrose or a red bull, when I did no sleep much, but the effect stops pretty fast again.

While I observed my gaming-experience the last year I also noticed, if I have problems in real life, e. G. a hell of work (deputize for somebody, or mainsaison), or if I have problems with my GF or whatever, I can have sleep as much as I want, the worries put my down and I suck at gaming.

For now I don’t mind it so much, since I stopped all team and clan-gaming, and skill became just semi-important for me, but in past, if I knew I have a difficult war to play, I really gone to bed earlier and tried to fix smaller RL-problems just to have a chance for a good performance.

How does RL effect your gaming-performance, do/did you prepare for wars in any special way?

shellingjoke's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
Re: Impact of RL to Gaming

TL;DR the comments, just mow's first post.

to me quake has become a hobby long time ago, no matter if i was in my clan. when i was in swe i had less to do in RL and i played better, but i never trained to improve my movement, my aim or anything. i also dont play 1v1. i feel like playing 1v1 once every few months for like 30 minutes or so, but i just dont like the gametype. i only play freeze, because its the most fun and that's what quake is to me.
the only 2 times ive trained to improve my performance were at the very beginning when i got into LIME (thanks again here larry and weebl Winking and got all the infos about config and stuff.. i started playing on picmip and reduced details to play better but i didnt enjoy myself so much. second time was when i was in KO tryout, and it was part of the tryout.

ofc my RL affects my gameplay but only very little as ive always been playing to release steam, cool down, chill or have fun.
and i think thats the way it should be Smug

I wanted to put a bullet between the eyes of every penguin that didnt wanna screw to save its species.

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Meteorkid's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: Impact of RL to Gaming

Na i dont smoke, nor do i respect it. My house has very bad central heating so cold hands and everthing else. Sad
Imo smoking, alchole and caffine all eventually detriment your ablity to play well.

outeris's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
Re: Impact of RL to Gaming

very good catch - sleep, well, not like "i sleep one day more , another less and etc" but sleep that is every day ~8 hours right in time,

its good point, good notice, some people must think about it, and more one thing - then do we really go sleep ?

studies says best/deepest sleep comes at 23:00 - 01:00, so that means you already must be sleeping; one man says about Spain - damn, i cant believe that is true, in spain ! but no mather if i believe or not, sometimes I rly fell little bit sleepy between 15:00 - 18:00, i wonder is this a dinning side effect ? studies says this time is good for 1 hour nap..

sometimes one person, that i know, goes sleep at about same time as spains Happy, i love it 

bah i need to go sleep alitle bit earlier, not like now (at midnights)

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zmbjason's picture
Joined: Aug 2007
Re: Impact of RL to Gaming

Its proven that you play better in your right half of your brain then your left one.
Ever feelt in love, fragging people the exact moment when the bass kicks in or just wanted to play so bad you couldn't stand it anymore?
Those moments, when you play as good as you never thought you could play, is all your right brain.
The left brain does more thinking and does everything more logic, while the right brain doesnt think that much.
You dont need to think that much while playing.
Sure, you do need to know how to aim/move and such stuff, but if you have been in this mod for a while you know its easy.
It is kind of hard to get inside the right brain while playing, since you always uses the left one when you play we can call it the "default"
So what I recently learned to do is watch some fragmovies, listening to music while fragging bots before any important match.
All the "pro" gamers do this, they dont share it tho.
Trust me, it will work, try it.

The separation of talent and skill is one of the greatest missunderstood concepts for people who are trying to meet their dreams. Talent acts naturally while skill is only developed by hours and hours and hours of training.