Madbringer's blog

Guys, the 'new' website still sucks.

I remember when i first complained about it the most common response was "OMG LOL IT"S SO NEW WAIT IT'S STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION".

Well, now, some time has passed, and it's still this messy, clunky, slow, 1999 throwback. Does anyone seriously prefer this over the old design? Direct comparison time!

Look at that. Everything fits together, the design is simple but elegant. Navigation was simple and easy, website was fast.

Stunted growth and sinking ships

Small business fell out of fancy. The little old woman selling flowers around the corner, the burly bumpkin running a diminutive shop selling basics, the older guy with a stache that lives in the block across who you could always go to get your tv fixed, that all stops working as concrete, ceramic and plastic behemoths plow and drag their way into every niche and crevace, nook and cranny they can fit, and sending meaty tendrils, disgusting slimy proxies of corporate minionship, feeling out the ground yet unclaimed, or so it would seem from that perspective.



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