News for all, who are bulding a community or clan sites !!!

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Joined: Feb 2005

Hey again !

I got this idea, when I was playing on [BRO] servers.

Many clans just don't have a site, because they don't know anything about HTML/PHP. Or they just don't know how should their site look like. Here is the solution for this problem.

I offer free designing and coding a site. All you got to do to get the site, is to follow these steps:

1) Tell me is it for clan or for community or what ever.
2) If it's for clan, tell me the clan name, mod they play and some leaders.
3) Which coding you prefer, HTML or PHP.

Here are some notes, that come with this free designing and coding:

* You MUST have a host yourself, or if you know, where you can get the space, then I can register myself. But else if you don't have a webspace yourself, you must buy a webspace. If it is so, and you need some help with VERY VERY low prices. contact me on msn.

* If you decided to choose PHP coding, then you must decide this: are you going to use databases or not.

* You must have to have a little link back to It will be very little, like most of the sites have those scrolling affilates. should me also there. If it will be removed, then the site will be also gone, but I hope that nothing like that will happen.

If you feel, that you would like to have a website, then post a message here, send me a Private Message or contact me on MSN:

