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Infernoisback's picture
Joined: Sep 2011

Here again ,

As an always active/positive member of this community i ofc would never let a wall between me and the public interest of this community standing up without devastation .

OFFTOPIC : oop Flag i thought myself a general manager or a president talking Sick

"too early to offtopics i know Shy "

im here to mention

1) The (Server Full.) message frequently happens although someone would get kicked auto for spectate without full server , why wont be a

A. Message of someone is trying to connect ( or having SERVER FULL issue)

B. Cmd auto kicks longest time spectator with full server , or after 10 seconds from someones calling connection to the server .

fix in next XP2.3 .

2) There was no longer double spawn same spawnpoint in new XP changeslog while spawning in wrong points matters too , like spawning between 4 of enemies ( which i frequently experience ) and not even once enemy spawned close - maybe this one depends on pings

3) Many times i spawned , enemy in site , start shooting eachother , get railed after an enough time of launching a rocket , hits the enemy resulting a

A. Frag for the enemy (railed)

B. Spawn kill for i (rocket

4) More players making it harder to see/hit enemy

Full server makes aim/hits only luck

However much even 1V1 > Pure on makes it impossible



Maybe :

This is what it looks in here cus of a ping ( (i/high pingers) only experience this )

Its that hard to fix it and everyone sees so

Im the worst noob @ mods stuff but mentioning those hidden wrong sides sharply is a way of improving.



alot of more i will add nextime im super sober



A man's cock can be used like a double edged sword , lovingly and hatefully .

Lovingly is when u put it in ur girlfriend or someone u love

Hatefully is when u put it either in a cheater/hacker or his girlfriend or someone he loves .