A nice new cfg on the way.

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Joined: Jan 2011

Any interest in another weapons cfg?

I'm working on something a bit different, will release it if enough interest.

Main weapon points:

ammo, and ammo regen tbc (working on it)

BFG: bery like, no self damage, allows movement.

Rail: insta style, limited ammo, can protect with enough armour/life.

rocket: fast, high splash damage, low splash damage radius, again limited ammo with enough pickups for decent use.

shotgun: powerful at very close range, slower reload time.

Plasma: similiar to lowlander/shredder cfg, but less ammo, more pickups, no self damage.

l/gun: not sure what to do with l/gun

Mach gun: ouzie style..

Gauntlet: no difference to most cfgs, one punch death..

grapple: fast pull, with not long holding on time.

these are just the weapons basics to see if you think they can work together, all other variables within the cfg are in working progress, basicly the weapons are how i see as being how they would be in real life (lol).

as i said will upload it if you think e+ can handle another cfg.

"Beauty can cover a multitude of sins. But underneath, we all look exactly the same."

Frank Breitkopf :- no way out