Mensaje para 1337 de el ex cheater Iceman

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WAX's picture
Joined: Jun 2004
Re: mi respuesta final Mario
BaZuKo wrote:

ICE wrote:
Hola de nuevo, no se que sea lo mejor darte unos consejos y ofrecerte mi ayuda o simplemente ignorarte...creo que lo segundo es mejor para verdad es que ya me canse de tantas tonterias, ya me empiezo a aburrir de esto...pero recuerdad que cosas tan sencillas como dar una segunda oportunidad a una persona en un simple juego online puede que diga mucho de tu mala persona que seas...pero quien soy yo para decirtelo..espero no lo tomes a mal mario...cosas asi solo me hacen pensar lo mal que esta el mundo ahora...por personas como tu y los engreidos jugadores que siempre tengo en contra y digo nombres como Mowly, wax, hq, taker, y tu! ahh y los lambe culos que les siguen que acostas de mi "popularidad" quieren darse a conocer.
Gracias a dios hay mas buenas personas jugando este juego que malas, de no ser asi ya lo hubiera dejado...
En cuanto a las opiniones malas del resto que postearon aqui, solo les puedo decir que los ignorare, sobre todo al tal taker...bueno en fin es un niño
Bueno ya no se que decirte....ahhh hey que mana es bueno, no puedo creer que no te guste pareces mexicano!!!.aunque en rock tambien me gusta el tri de el mejor, bueno casi todos los grupos de rock mexicano tienen cierta influencias de el tri...
Bye Mario...
por cierto volviste a banear mas rangos de ip?
es que he vuelto a entrar, no habia una alma ahi..que lastima...

Because of people like you and players that are always against me like Mowly, Wax, HQ, Taker, and yourself! just to name a few...And the lamers who follow them...who are just taking advantage of my popularity to be wellknown...Thanks god, there are more good persons than bad ones playing this game...If It wasnt this way i have already quit it.

So Mowly, Wax, HQ, Taker are bad becuase.....?
They don’t like cheaters ?
Want to try to keep cheating out of the community ?
Won’t let you pretend you can play, when you quite obviously when playing normally play lover than average , and then make 4 or 5 great rail shots? Again and again and again.

....and the 'good people' are the ones that let you get away with it ? Yep that follows youy logic.

Please watch at his normal play, he has no accuracy at all he misses by half the freaking screen I have said this before, and I’m having g to say it again. The reason he gets away with this is he just wants to nearly keep up with good players and not win to easily, this makes him go unnoticed and seemingly not a threat. But all cheaters are threats and have no place here at least.

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Mensaje para 1337 de el ex cheater Iceman

hi attentionwhore aka ice,

i saw u ages ago (arround 3 months, where u was relativ unknown in this community), wallhacking on CTF server. i told that abusing easy and edy, but they didn't believe me, cause they didn't saw it, but i have, but i was not able to do anything against, cause i wasn't admin at this time.

Later, i heared from different sides, ice = cheater, wallhacker. Than i heared u r clean again, and i saw u playing on EN servers with pb on. U was kicked after seconds for multihack by pb. So, this was ur 2nd chance from me, so don't tell shit i don't give 2nd chances. With that ban i banned u from all EN-Servers, dunno if u can connect again, but if i see u there i will ban ur subnet, if u connect again, i ban again ur subnet, and again and again, till u r tyred about it. And if whole spain is not able to connect cause of u, i tell them, U ARE THE CAUSE! ur adress can be easily found out.

And before u say, MowLy the kid. I am 26 years old, and keyaccountmanager in europs biggest textil-advertising company, i am since 9 years together with the same sexy girl, i studied some shit, and i get succesfull more and more. I have really other problems as to hunt cheaters but if somebody is so impertinent as u, i have to follow my own principls, means to hunt u.

Meanwhile u have taken ur 3rd, 4th.... and so on chances on different servers, but u are always detected again, and again and again, what do u expect from us. a "hi ice, how is cheating today? have some fun?" U are very naiv if u expect something like that.

I do not believe again, whatever u say, u are just a cheater for me, means just a primitiv, go, get some reallife if u have to cheat, there where people can defend thereself directly face to face.

Joined: Jul 2005
Mensaje para 1337 de el ex cheater Iceman

hey cheat with pb 1? who speaks that I use cheat that demonstrates it...

"Perdona siempre a tu enemigo. No hay nada que le enfurezca más."
-Oscar Wilde-

Joined: Mar 2005
Re: mi respuesta final Mario
ICE wrote:

And about the negative opinions posted here, i just can tell this people that im gonna ignore them, mostly Taker, anyways hes just a child.

welcome to my sig Happy

ghost wrote:

comunity are the ppl game is an game u can do every u want to game*, if it will be BIG RED smile on game box and u get pised of that game, throw box of that game on the flor in kitchen and make on it BIG BAD smelly shit, this smile will be still on the box kep smiling to u, but when yors parents will back form great vacations to home with smiles on faces and they will see what hapened thier faces become only RED withnout eny smile.....

1337W4R3Z )NWC(
1337w4r3z's picture
Joined: Nov 2004
Mensaje para 1337 de el ex cheater Iceman
ICE wrote:

hey cheat with pb 1? who speaks that I use cheat that demonstrates it...

From server log dated 15.05.2005

^3PunkBuster Server: VIOLATION (GAMEHACK) #80017: ^4(^3éãåíáî^4).... (slot #5) Violation (GAMEHACK) #80017

broadcast: print "^4(^3éãåíáî^4)....^7 You have been kicked via PunkBuster (for 2 minutes) ... Violation (GAMEHACK) #80017\n"
ClientDisconnect: 1
Weapon_Stats: 1 Given:0 Recvd:0 Armor:0 Health:0 TeamDmg:0
^3PunkBuster Server: Kick Command Issued (Violation (GAMEHACK) #80017) for (5) ^4(^3éãåíáî^4)....

Back from that day when you denied everything, this is my final post on this subject no matter what you reply I won't keep this, one more thing if you are clean why keep changing cdkeys along with your dynamic IP to get new GUID's? want proof of that?

// 03:21:51 15.05.2005, Spain, ES
Name { "(......)" }
IP { }
Guid { 261E27F00E49763A2831ABFF2D80FD72 }

// 01:23:52 15.07.2005, Spain, ES
Name { "éãå" }
IP { }
Guid { 3D632AD0D5D32BEB3280E72EE4B9A0AF }

// 01:42:14 15.07.2005, Spain, ES
Name { "noob" }
IP { }
Guid { 849D10D4F332026C6CEEB7188EA437DB }

I have nothing more to say.

Joined: Jul 2005

Hey Mario, eso fue hace mucho hombre...mira si todos saben que yo use un cheats!!! que no sabes leer lo que dice el mensaje "ex cheater" pero bueno dejemoslo asi, yo jamas lo he negado...lo que si debes saber que hace mucho que no uso alguno...en cuanto cambiar el ip, cdkey y el nombre... es que eso tambien es ser cheater?, pues si es asi casi el 80 % de los player tambien lo son y no me extrañaria que tu tambien hayas cambiado tu nombre y tu cdkey alguna vez...venga hombre olvidalo ya!!!...mira si te sirve de consuelo y para que te sientas más tranquilo no entrare más a tu server... al parecer estas mas obsecionado....recuerda que solo es un juego.
Hey en cuanto a mi ip, que te puedo decir, eso tendria que consultarlo con la telefonica de españa porque es quien me da el servicio de internet ademas me sale mas acuenta tener un ip dinamico que uno estatico...solo es cuestion de l servicio. Y si cambie el cdkey fue porque me baneaste sin motivo alguno, eso fue ganas de molestarte...que por cierto funciono...bueno espero sea el final de todo esta discusion sin sentido alguno...ya me aburri Thinking...mira si hasta he querido borrar este link pero no puedo hacerlo...hombre relajate, vive la vida y no tomes tan en serio estos juegos, que por algo son juegos, osea algo para jugar divertirse, opasarla bien...bueno no tengo mas que decirte Mario cuidese hombre y adios...

"Perdona siempre a tu enemigo. No hay nada que le enfurezca más."
-Oscar Wilde-

Joined: Jul 2005

Hey Mario, eso fue hace mucho hombre...mira si todos saben que yo use un cheats!!! que no sabes leer lo que dice el mensaje "ex cheater" pero bueno dejemoslo asi, yo jamas lo he negado...lo que si debes saber que hace mucho que no uso alguno...en cuanto cambiar el ip, cdkey y el nombre... es que eso tambien es ser cheater?, pues si es asi casi el 80 % de los player tambien lo son y no me extrañaria que tu tambien hayas cambiado tu nombre y tu cdkey alguna vez...venga hombre olvidalo ya!!!...mira si te sirve de consuelo y para que te sientas más tranquilo no entrare más a tu server... al parecer estas mas obsecionado....recuerda que solo es un juego.
Hey en cuanto a mi ip, que te puedo decir, eso tendria que consultarlo con la telefonica de españa porque es quien me da el servicio de internet ademas me sale mas acuenta tener un ip dinamico que uno estatico...solo es cuestion de l servicio. Y si cambie el cdkey fue porque me baneaste sin motivo alguno, eso fue ganas de molestarte...que por cierto funciono...bueno espero sea el final de todo esta discusion sin sentido alguno...ya me aburri Thinking...mira si hasta he querido borrar este link pero no puedo hacerlo...hombre relajate, vive la vida y no tomes tan en serio estos juegos, que por algo son juegos, osea algo para jugar divertirse, opasarla bien...bueno no tengo mas que decirte Mario cuidese hombre y adios...

"Perdona siempre a tu enemigo. No hay nada que le enfurezca más."
-Oscar Wilde-

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Mensaje para 1337 de el ex cheater Iceman

ey mario Winking

whatever it was ur final post or not, i wanna know what this fag has written Sad

Houndog's picture
Joined: Apr 2005
Mensaje para 1337 de el ex cheater Iceman

mowly be more patient next time:)

Ice Wrote:

Hey Mario, that was a long time ago man...everybody knows that i used some cheats...don't you know how to read? says "ex-cheater"...but we can let it go...i have never denied it...what you should really know is that its been a while since i cheated...about changin my IP, name or that cheating too? that case 80% of players are also cheaters...i cant believe you have never changed your name or cdkey once...come on man, lets forget about it..If it makes you feel better, i will not longer enter in your look like obsessed about it...remember this is just game.

And about my IP...what can i say...i have to consult with my ISP...because i think its more convenient to have a dynamic IP than a static all depends on the service you hire...and about changing my IP i did it just to annoy you...and BTW, it worked ...i did it because you banned me without a reason...i hope this is the end of this senseless discussion...I got bored about this...i even wanted to delete this thread...but im not allowed to...just relax man...enjoy life and don't take this game so seriously...thats what games are for...just to have fun...well i have nothing else to say to you...take care of you man, bye.

Houndog's picture
Joined: Apr 2005
Mensaje para 1337 de el ex cheater Iceman

I Played Against ICE On "MR Clanserver Freeze" Today, I Am Sure He Was Not Cheating.

I'm Not Defending Him, But I Can Say I Didn't See Anything Suspicious.

There Were More Experienced Players Also, And I Didn't Hear Any Complaints About Him.

edit: sorry for the double post Sad