Is this a camper mod?

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Iznogoud's picture
Joined: Mar 2004
Is this a camper mod?
BROKEN wrote:

very good hard ... i agree ... i think this camping question is going abit far right now ... as it seems right now some ppl think that you are camping if your not moving with 350 ups all the time ...


Zoomer4 wrote:

*HARD.SWE* wrote:

I must say youre wrong not totally but, when playing against Ice on dm7 i thought Ice camped all the time!

WTF You know me better then that Harding! Shame on you

When playing 1on1 on a medium sized map and you dont see your opponent much even though you move around as much as possible, its easy to assume the other camping. But it's more likely becasuse you run/sneak around the map in the same direction as your opponent...
So I think Harding was referring to thought as in 'tyckte', nothing else Happy

Those demos with g_SyncroniusClients 1!
Respect dude Cool

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mickeg's picture
Joined: Apr 2004
Is this a camper mod?
Zoomer4 wrote:

*HARD.SWE* wrote:

I must say youre wrong not totally but, when playing against Ice on dm7 i thought Ice camped all the time!

WTF You know me better then that Harding! Shame on you

You know what i meant. It felt like it on a big map like dm7. Not saying you did or anything (obviously not ,when watching the demo).
Big grin

For every animal you don't eat I eat three

XF1GHTER's picture
Joined: Sep 2004
Is this a camper mod?

I know what you meant Harding Winking


toster's picture
Joined: Oct 2004
Is this a camper mod?

is this a camper mod?

camper mod muhahahaha :")
gr8 joke
that long i can move as long no camp...
mod no camp, people camp.
so question shud be:
we have a campers on this mod?

if u wont a camper mod visit:
and play hard muhahahaha ;"P

Always free Your Mind

nihil's picture
Joined: Dec 2004
Is this a camper mod?

imho it's only about skills as you can see in hardings demos
if u dont want win try to find people like you
harding wants to win ever, it's fun for him

and what about new players?
imho it's motivation for improving own skills when someone beats you 40:10 not matter how, if no you must find less skilled players with which you can have more fun when you 30 sec aiming them Happy

if you make anticamp radius bigger he still wins againts you
THEN exists only one variant: kill harding in real life

calling someone camper only coz he wins almost everything..
it's like you have better mouse you are cheating

Joined: Jul 2004
Is this a camper mod?
nihil wrote:

if you make anticamp radius bigger he still wins againts you
THEN exists only one variant: kill harding in real life


Real men always attack from behind Winking

SuB Xaero
SuB XaerO's picture
Joined: Dec 2003
Is this a camper mod?

THEN exists only one variant: kill harding in real life

At least you could have used a smiley here! Evil

- Kill 'em all, God will sort them -

Trouble's picture
Joined: Aug 2004
Is this a camper mod?

Why do all talk about harding? Did i ever say that harding is a camper in this thread ? i did say that if i ask anyone he say play like harding or some-one and i see here in this thread the same. All talk about harding and the other best in this mod but at last i think it's the skill what makes the players here so good. Not only the good players do camp also the amateurs and i must say it looks for me that the good players don't camp so much and that looks like that but it's for me to clear an area. I talk here about FFA
And i agree that's the way to camp on a map in a league game.
Also in CTF if you have got the flag and some others wants to kill you.
It's a camper mod in parts of the game, i mean other gametypes or the league and some maps like dm17 where it's the best to camp on a platform to win the match. Winking

Joined: Jan 2004
Is this a camper mod?

i watch all demos harding and u camp on these demos man, ofcorse not all the time, but some actions are based on camping.
and about movement comapre yours demo to that demo posted by me, these guy is 2 times faster

someone plays with bots ctf on osp ? do u know comand for bots ? ones of these comand is "camp here"

definition of camping : "holding postition and aim incoming enemies"
its hard to not holding the position when u r defending base on ctf

definition of cs playing style, camping style : "walking on ground and aim entires, hiding and aim tiny spots"
its hard to move using strafejumps and aim entires

this is simple like this "white and black" all players camp on e+ and they doing much of camps, on osp players camps to but they hawe rule that says "no camping" and they dont holding positions with railgun....

and clerar definition what is camping to someone whos playing osp is :"aim enemies one by one holding the same position/area"

when u move quiet and aim one time by campshot yors oponen then live this position its tactic, but if u aim oponent ass holding the position or moving in the same area quiet, u r camping man !

DARKLORD's picture
Joined: Jan 2005
Is this a camper mod?

sorry to bring this thread back from the dead, but i got really annoyed on deex's frag org last night, an amzing server but when it gets busy with a few noobs its pointless trying to play with skill, you just have one guy standing above you launching grenades at spawn points, there was a ctf which was like 2 people on each team attacking, which seemed to be the older players like old vamp and myself and a few others, while the whole teams camped and shot across the map. it ended up who could camp the best, really nnoyed me, good server though.
