What are your new year’s resolutions for 2014 ?
In some countries Sint Nicolaas already left, and we are going towards Christmas and the year 2014. And of course, time for fireworks!
Here are a few questions that anyone may enter
General questions
1) What are your resolutions for 2014?
2) What are your wishes for the coming year?
3) What are your favorite moments from the past year?
E + questions
4) How do you look back on the Excessiveplus Community? (fun moments, people, games etc etc..)
5) Where can E+ improve on compared to last year?
6) Should be more Cups / Leaques organized in 2014? For more gameplay.
It takes a while, but I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and best wishes for the year 2014
1) Same; 1024x768 in q3, 1366x768 in genral.
2) Nothing much, just hope they end up quickly as I hate xmas time.
3) Founding my own company is definitely the greatest.
4) Having great fun with Solvorsde around Vanilla! CTF is still the greatest thing on this server for me.
5) Less hate, more love.
6) More action for vanilla!
1) I will try to quit smoking, cigs at least and go to the gym more often !
2)My thoughts go to those who are unfortunate, this year has been the set of various nationwide problems, hope this will get any better everywhere in the world.
3) My favourite moments of this year ? Nothing comes to my mind since I had a bunch of great times !
4)This year has been terrible for E+, we lost a lot of players who went fishing this summer but it seems that they're back now, winter seems to bring people back so that's ok. Still I regret some people of this community are mean and ruthless just because they don't need a pair to insult or act childish behind their screen, it kills the community from inside.
5)Maybe everyone here (me included ofc) should think about how they act when they're here in order to improve the general health of E+. What goes around comes around.
6)Of course there should be, but even if the activity rised lately I think we're not active enough to play more cups. Folks want to play but it's hard to get enough players each time.
1) stop procrastinating...
2) guess the usual one's
3) all my favorite and least favorite moments had to do with my now ex-gf i guess also being part of an awesome project at my university
4) in summer i really thought e+ was dead for good, was the least active i had ever seen the mod. glad that like nether said winter brought back some activity. still i feel like most of the competition is gone and the friendly/unfriendly players ratio got a little worse. although i have less fun playing it in general (also personal reasons, getting older and stuff) i guess i will continue as long as possible
5) mhhh, age with dignity?
6) not enough activity for loads of cups i guess, worth a try though.
1) Stop smoking : DONE.
2) Be an annuitant.
General questions
1) What are your resolutions for 2014? finding a cool way to get my fourth ban
2) What are your wishes for the coming year? nuclear winter
3) What are your favorite moments from the past year? 11th October
E + questions
4) How do you look back on the Excessiveplus Community? see question number 1
5) Where can E+ improve on compared to last year? ban zarzyn and loads of other shitheads
6) Should be more Cups / Leaques organized in 2014? whatever
General questions
1) What are your resolutions for 2014? - Save money so i can buy this: http://tigertrumpet.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/tiger-trumpet-production-7.jpg :DD
2) What are your wishes for the coming year? - everyone happy blabla..
3) What are your favorite moments from the past year? - Performing for 10.000 ppl
E + questions
4) How do you look back on the Excessiveplus Community? (fun moments, people, games etc etc..) - Even though I think it's sad how many great players the community has lost, it's still the best fps to play.
5) Where can E+ improve on compared to last year? - Waaaay less flaming, more activity and fun
6) Should be more Cups / Leaques organized in 2014? For more gameplay. - YES
1) 800 x 600, but ill try to switch to 1024 x 768
2) I wish a golden fish to grant me 3 more wishes
3) The day when i got a job, wooo hooo
4) Was fun 2 years ago, when there was higher activity, now this place is dead
5) Kick cheaters and trolls , punish for rules breaking, make more harsh rules, bring new people here, destroy all spam fast rail configs and replace them with those like on no ghost or quake live, kick-ban all those who mumble on polish / russian on forums and in-game etc... xd
6) Yes , but on normal cfg's, vanilla ,qlinsta (eventually rr.cfg but thats as far as it should go)
wrote:1) 800 x 600, but ill try to switch to 1024 x 768
Small screen bro?
nah brah, 21 inch, but im too much used to smaller resoulutions in q3
General questions
1) What are your resolutions for 2014?
Enjoy life!
2) What are your wishes for the coming year?
My kid will born healthy
3) What are your favorite moments from the past year?
Getting my own house, get a job, get a nice car and my little dog Ted
E + questions
4) How do you look back on the Excessiveplus Community? (fun moments, people, games etc etc..)
People i know are nice.. but some people are not very friendly agains others..
5) Where can E+ improve on compared to last year?
A cool new modern website : )
6) Should be more Cups / Leaques organized in 2014? For more gameplay.
That would be nice, and mabye there will be more active people