Teams in national cup

21 replies [Last post]
Joined: Oct 2008

once again I m here to point some things I disagree with:

About EU team.
First, the idea of a team with players from different contries is weird on a national cup. However I would have understood something like Baltic team or Yugo team because they share a similar culture, history, language and they have not enough players to get their own national team. But how it's made here in EU is bullshit.
let's say we agreed on lonely players to make a team and so they could play on this event, it should be only players from countries without national team.
Let's be honest: Germany has a national team and has enough active players( yes it's hard to motivate people but we all have the same issue), and Ultra should logically be in Yugo.
So germans should not be in EU, neither Ultra, and EU should have recruited some REAL clanless players (they are plenty of them maybe not that skilled but they have no national team for real)

Just for the record I have nothing against you personally I'm just rational.

About LNT
I also disagree on the fact they can't take a part in this event. They are here for many years now. I really dont understand why we can 't play it with 11 teams since there is only one group and top 4 go to final (9, 10 or11 teams = same thing). I know this is organizer's decision but IMO LNT deserved a spot in it.

Joined: May 2011
Re: Teams in national cup

although my opinion doesnt really matter...but what u have said here nanamoon seems to be very logical...and i think it should be taken into consideration

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." - M. Gandhi

Ultra D's picture
Joined: May 2009
Re: Teams in national cup
NanamoOOon wrote:

Let's be honest: Germany has a national team and has enough active players( yes it's hard to motivate people but we all have the same issue), and Ultra should logically be in Yugo.
So germans should not be in EU, neither Ultra, and EU should have recruited some REAL clanless players (they are plenty of them maybe not that skilled but they have no national team for real)

Let me refresh your memory a bit, I was a member of CRO team last year when we got to the finals of NC, so there was a team I belonged to, however certain people were too cool to hang out of popularity reasons. As a result now everybody except me and Blade plays in Yugo team, not Balkans team but Yugo.

I made a Bible-long post about it as soon as the YU team got it's forum, but it all got deleted. Why? Because it is not nice to see me as being someone who made a crystal clear and well argumented point about why it's wrong to have such team name. Probably because it would give a bad, childish look to some prominent e+ players held within Yugo team, while they are trying to look smart in front of the community.

Nana, you should know and understand a bit more about history in these here parts before logically placing people in certain strangely named national teams. As I said couple of times before if it was called a Balkan team I would join it if I got the invitation, but as it is something bloody wrong different, I wouldn't, and I didn't, join Yugoslavia even if I would get the invitation.

I feel more EU than YU honestly. And thats why I play with EU team and I'm probably not the only one from my team who feels same, only out of their own reasons.

But who even cares as long as we are having fun, right? you know? XD lol no homo and such retardation.

Cheers. Focus on fun if you can.

p.s. I don't have time to write 100 more replies to all of the people quoting me with their own doubts and theories, and I really don't believe I'm going to waste another second of my time on this topic when I return home tonight. So good luck and have fun in the cup.

D3L1GH7 wrote:
Okay guys, next time I wanna waste time on a useless topic I'll call you.

Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Re: Teams in national cup

are you guys interested in competition, the fear or your enemys, the blood spilled, the tension and feelings you have during a game, or are you guys about fair rules for everyone who wants to participate?

My advice, the strongest takes it all anyways.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

tyfon's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
SE Sweden
Re: Teams in national cup

Well yes, but it all depends on what terms you compete. If EU turns into a "best of" team is it fair?

alienM's picture
Joined: Jun 2009
Re: Teams in national cup

I didn't readed all what Ultra said, but parts which I readed I completely agree! I was in SRB team, some persons who created it, fucked it up to make YU team in which few of us didn't invited (skill or another reasson, I don't know). Now I am not in YU team, SRB is dead and never activated in real, BUT I asked to be received in EURO team, and nobody cared for my request. Why? I wish to play in NC 2011!
p.s. for me is kinda unfair to exist teams like YU or SSSR or continental teams, but if those still exist, their leaders should be honest and not skill's greedy for recruiting - IT'S NATIONAL CUP, OMG, NOTHING ELSE!!!

Saiyajin's picture
Joined: Jan 2008
Re: Teams in national cup

Awwww just let us play in peace. We are not the strongest team registered here, we are clanless members in terms of national teams.

Can't be humble in the jungle....

HK_Kenshiro's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
FR France
Re: Teams in national cup

I think Nana wanted to say that some ppl create EU team cause they don't have enought PRESENT ppl. But in fact some National Team are completed. It's just the motivation of ppl in team that made it.
It's not fair in the way of, this ppl that have a National team with enought players, but without motivation, can join another team.
Motivation & organisation is a full part of National teams. There are no exception. Take a look : If i don't want to move my ass to organise/regroup/train FFF, have i the right to join the EU team? just cause i don't want move my ass to motivate ppl in team?
i think that was nanamoon trying to explain. And on 1 point she have the right to says : others can do it, dont' you?
Btw, we are here for fun, and that all. This is the most important point of this event and i agree with it.

You 're already dead!

Joined: Oct 2008
Re: Teams in national cup

@ Ultra:
I never meant (and would have never dared to) that you HAVE to be in Yugo. I know your history is kinda messed up and pretty complicated. The simply use of this term Yugoslavia is totaly biased, and ofc Balkan would have been much more unifying. But as you pointed 3 croatians are in Yugo, and it's a team who has been created to permit some guys without a national team to play. So it's legitimate to wonder why you are not in Yugo too, or why with 4 croates players, CRO is not registered as a full team. TBH I did not realise they were 3 croatians in Yugo, so now I just see one more messed up thing : the fact that croatians play under yougo/eu team when they have enough player to register their own national team.

about fun:
I see nothing that prevent having fun AND being fair.
We play many cups here, we have a lot of fw, a lot of clans and a lot of teams. We can play with who we want to guarantee a lot of fun. But here it's supposed to be national cup. I don't see the point in calling it a national cup if players can choose where they are going to play, and if priority is not given to national team. National means national after all.
I think we all agree on allowing some not national team to play but this should be an exception and as every where else exceptions have to be clear and well defined (this is not the case now). There must be strict rules concerning teamless players and federative team.

I'm glad FPS offered a spot to LNT, at least one of my complaints has been heard.

jeffrey's picture
Joined: Aug 2006
Re: Teams in national cup
alienM wrote:

BUT I asked to be received in EURO team, and nobody cared for my request. Why? I wish to play in NC 2011!

Some people are not invited because they will cause trouble within EU * or simply are not liked by the members.

You should know that sinds you got that first warning because you're offencive post towards me Winking

For the rest of this topic, i don't take it personaly nana.
I just hope you wont be put in the same situation as the EU * members although you might understand beter how we feel about NATIONAL cups if you cant even enter one Winking

Joined: Feb 2009
Re: Teams in national cup

For fun we can create an event for all teams but for the national cup we just need national teams or it's not a national cup. (or rename open team cup)
Sweden dont have enough players last year and they dont create europ team, they just dont join the event. This year they have enough players, so they join... so for deutch people if you really dont have enough players (i think you can make a team with motivation... why not germanic team with belgium, lux and netherland like yugo team) then don't join this event and join next year if you have players
this is my pov