TDM'L Round !# .DA| vs Alone

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japierdole's picture
Joined: Jan 2012
US United States
Re: TDM'L Round !# .DA| vs Alone

do you know what irony and sarcasm is? Game should be played till today. I won't take WO in 1st attempt but I can, you weren't interested in this match at all. Mircwar's post was something like warning for us and as I see -founded, there were a lot of hate in your topic.

And even I walk through the darkest valley of the shadow of death I will be not afraid because I am the worst motherfucker in this place.

//▲~ GMZ ~▲\\
Joined: Nov 2011
Re: TDM'L Round !# .DA| vs Alone

I should laugh later for this, because if I laugh as much as I should, I won't play the match.. I guess it is 21:00CET now, let's go play the match mate! we both are in the same track I guess xD (not very winners) x)

Note: it reflects a gentleman in you that you tell about the no will to taking a WO if we miss it!! thanks Happy

Have fun at E+ and never take it with hard feelings no matter how much you lose nor how much stupid or dump or punk or bad or blithering idiot the player you are playing with really is, it's just a game and we are here to have fun and enjoy our times!!