®SFC: MR 2:1 DA // 30.06.2010

47 replies [Last post]
mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Re: SFC: MR 2:1 DA // 30.06.2010

What a "Whine Thread"

fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
Re: SFC: MR 2:1 DA // 30.06.2010

take it easy Mirc Big grin

Hazo since when here are any pro-clans? Tongue

I am addicted to life.

intact-epsilon's picture
Joined: Dec 2006
RO Romania
Re: SFC: MR 2:1 DA // 30.06.2010

Fala i miss |<[] ! Sad

gg both

epsislow train + discipline = organization & information + management = control

tyfon's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
SE Sweden
Re: SFC: MR 2:1 DA // 30.06.2010
hazo wrote:

whine about cfg? I talked about it between maps cause I am fucking pissed off to play every new game on new cfg with new damage and armor system. ofc for pros like MR there isn't problem on which cfg to win, but don't forget that we are noobs, Mirc. may be next time we will play on cfg with damage like in osp and all will have 600 health and 600 armor? c'mon it will be funny!

and pity that scripts are not prohibited. ofc it isn't cheat but anyway it's a bit lame.


Gee you have no idea how fun it is to play your clan. I suspect the feeling is mutual. Also what scripts? Are you part of Kids useless players corner that think "we" cheat? If it helps to know I've never used a script in my 5 years here, now go find some other excuse quick.

EDIT: I must say you have to be quite the dumbfuck (and sore loser) to throw out an accusation like that, it would be the easiest thing in the world to check via PB what cofigs players are using. If it helps you sleep at night both Laktos & Hard use/d more scripts than I did. Rotflmao I didn't even have a smiley bind 'till one year ago. If you wanna play the accusation game mr sore loser better damn well come prepared with some ammunition. Dipshit.

KaKTus's picture
Joined: Jul 2007
Re: SFC: MR 2:1 DA // 30.06.2010

Mmmm what a war! It didnt finish after last pro-q3dm6 round ring. It moved to forums!!!

Anyway I think its GG! Happy Well played on dm13. (i feel that dm13 gonnabe popular map vs MR xdd ) Also pity that i coulnt come (was drinking till 4 am xd)

Gonna watch demos ^^

2 beer or not 2 beer

ASSCARI * DSS wrote:
Kaktus has beer instead of brain, so better dont wait for him Tongue

HAZO's picture
Joined: Sep 2007
Re: SFC: MR 2:1 DA // 30.06.2010
[MR.]MIRCWAR wrote:

hazo wrote:
whine about cfg? I talked about it between maps cause I am fucking pissed off to play every new game on new cfg with new damage and armor system. ofc for pros like MR there isn't problem on which cfg to win, but don't forget that we are noobs, Mirc. may be next time we will play on cfg with damage like in osp and all will have 600 health and 600 armor? c'mon it will be funny!

and pity that scripts are not prohibited. ofc it isn't cheat but anyway it's a bit lame.


Gee you have no idea how fun it is to play your clan. I suspect the feeling is mutual. Also what scripts? Are you part of Kids useless players corner that think "we" cheat? If it helps to know I've never used a script in my 5 years here, now go find some other excuse quick.

EDIT: I must say you have to be quite the dumbfuck (and sore loser) to throw out an accusation like that, it would be the easiest thing in the world to check via PB what cofigs players are using. If it helps you sleep at night both Laktos & Hard use/d more scripts than I did. Rotflmao I didn't even have a smiley bind 'till one year ago. If you wanna play the accusation game mr sore loser better damn well come prepared with some ammunition. Dipshit.

And are U a part of that blind kids who read between the lines? I didn't call anyone from MR a cheater. Yesterday or ever. Also I wrote that scripts aren't cheats. So better go to school again and learn to read. And I didn't say anything about U. On war I said directly who uses script in my humble opinion. And it wasn't U. Don't think that U are the hub of the universe.

EDIT: U really think that U are the hub of the universe. Better go and fuck yourself, may be it will help U to relax. May be I am noob and loser but I am at least not afraid to join weaker clan and for me it's just a game. Looks like for U it's something more, gloryhunter. I had always respect to U like to a person but it's pity that I was wrong. Keep on to think U are n1.

tyfon's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
SE Sweden
Re: SFC: MR 2:1 DA // 30.06.2010

What do you think this clan was when I joined? In any case I'm tired of insinuations and what not, your post reads as a response to mine. Be clear with who you accuse of things otherwise we will risk complications as these.

EDIT: Looks like I have to clarify myself since nuances seems wasted on
this forum. You are "one of those" if you blame your own shortcomings on
others cheating/using scripts, instead of improving your own game. If
you are not then I have nothing against you and have never had anything
against less skilled players. Don't kid yourself I'm not Skull and never
have I called someone a noob based on gameplay alone. But don't get me
started on "not taking this game seriously", your whine on servers is
horrendous and begs to differ. Atleast I shut the fuck up and take it.
Most of the time.

Mona's picture
Joined: Jul 2004
SE Sweden
Re: SFC: MR 2:1 DA // 30.06.2010

So so boys calm down and GG both Happy

jeffrey's picture
Joined: Aug 2006
Re: SFC: MR 2:1 DA // 30.06.2010

GG and now lock and take this talking to PM or msn

HAZO's picture
Joined: Sep 2007
Re: SFC: MR 2:1 DA // 30.06.2010
[MR.]MIRCWAR wrote:

your whine on servers is horrendous and begs to differ.

hm orly? any proof link? nah doesn't need it. may be sometimes I whine, especially if I am drunk, in bad mood and pissed of game bugs. but most of the time I don't say anything except "hi". but I wanna see the person who NEVER whined. I bet it's impossible to find such one. and do U want to say I am totally wrong about new cfgs every game? for U may be it's ok, for me it's weird. and I just told my opnion. I don't think it was whine. damn I even didn't say a word yesterday that on 3rd map I felt only pain cause my hand is broken and it's damn hard to play with it, especially 3 maps in a row but I had to. so did I whine? pfff than

and I don't call every good playing person cheater. even more - I protect Skull or Marcus on publics when newbie call them cheaters. I played vs them 1vs1 and I am sure they don't cheat. yes I wrote few times that I suspect someone in cheating and at least half of that ppl were added to ban-list after (I never posted demos about cheaters or wrote message to Skull to ban someone, I even don't have him in msn). so what does it mean? I am not pro in cheat-hunting but at least I know how it looks like and was right few times. yes I think few famous players can cheat, but I've never told they are from MR. if honestly the only one MR player I suspected in cheating ever was Flash but later I understood that I am wrong. and about my skill it's my problem, I am not going to be best due to some moments cause I know I can't. but it isn't prolem for me