Quake3 schedule program time plan

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Jiva's picture
Joined: Jun 2006
CZ Czech Republic

Many of you need only schedule plan for your time.

I found application StayFree for Android phone.

This application is usable in Firefox as Extension app.

Target StayFree application is schedule your work for example ,

it tract time what you give to more different applications.

Then math count all time to one.

For example > at January i have 25 hours gived to browsing .


Simply play servers with bots , game formula will work at all.

Server Spider track your positions.

Jiva's picture
Joined: Jun 2006
CZ Czech Republic
Re: Quake3 schedule program time plan

In last post i suggest Android Mobile App = StayFree (free to pay milions uses) to track time for example track power wats consumption

In this post i will suggest simply Computer Calendar App, or paper made calendar

better track your drunk episodes , or play dwarfa server , help navigate

another better help navigate is diary for drunkers use pen and paper lists

if can not touch where is diary , or can found but cannot write , next step is make line at paper , next step is write for example your name , look to diary , track hours and days

use Calendar

i will play Tigers DM17 The Dwarf server hope i win

Jiva's picture
Joined: Jun 2006
CZ Czech Republic
Re: Quake3 schedule program time plan

look i have discord server

upload image

join discord server JIVA's Group = https://discord.com/invite/tDGvTTx

you can weekly join DM17 multiplayer ,

Accepted and Declined options help organise events

Discord messaging help organise

Jiva's picture
Joined: Jun 2006
CZ Czech Republic
Re: Quake3 schedule program time plan

Quake 3 shedule time plan method Ninja


Ninja the person have to found happines, luck, and fortuna in his life.

To do that she use more different ways.

Time plan:

month have quartals weeks (4)

1st todo is obtain bonus at easyhits4u.com start weekly , sunday morning then to saturday is time for surf pages, bring credits , and bonus symbols , after collect weekly bonus symbols (8-10) obtain weekly bonus. And can win credits imbressions and ads with surf drawing tickets, surfing give this article. easyhits4u.com is best world #1 traffic exchange site. surfing much time bring change sleep quality. many people are 50+ years old. pages there are money speculations include thieves beware. sunday, monday, thuesday all bonus is collected this week is done Ninja , and my page will be promoted too , meaby i can win on draw ticket all is for free, max money win is 1 dollar symbolic,

2nd todo is 14thly days play quake to server spider i will be visible active what we see she wont die. add to server spider for 13 days start monday 2x in month , game dont require more than compare with others on more servers rate time etc , all life data is relevant like who kringling all life time in quake and who have life mature and family work etc but what we see, i will be visible

3rd todo is only 1x monthly buy with payment money my luck my fortune is discordservers.com premium boost for discord bring there 50-100 new faces who want material discussion and meaby quake excessiveplus reminder read post up side

4rd to do is win different ways my example is ticket for win , yes it is true brings to me happines, luck, and fortuna

i see days sunday1 2 3 but then become 4 5 6 7 empty days robinson crusoe i play diablo game year 2000 date with bigger shopping rectangle patch plugY

sometimes here is work

Jiva's picture
Joined: Jun 2006
CZ Czech Republic
Re: Quake3 schedule program time plan

receipt your day Ninja lucky happy smile fun lol by happy win

1st shot view video https://youtu.be/2YgCD-7lqfo
2nd surf 500 sites https://www.easyhits4u.com/
3nd play game upload to youtube recording

Jiva's picture
Joined: Jun 2006
CZ Czech Republic
Re: Quake3 schedule program time plan

Why Monday be good day to play quake <?

after you play at Monday you will be visible in server spider tracking for next 7 days , end will be at Monday next week and here you will have writen week old in server spider tracking at this status one week old you will be visible to last Sunday for 6 more days. Play at Monday result in you will be visible in server spider for next 13 days (7+6)

Why is good to be in server spider visible ?

It beacoz we have to compare players, compare score and frag ratio, amount of frags and time how long we are in game.

Times bad with workjob , partner or childs. Here is no more left space every Month. No times left. Bring one hour to play quake is possible effectively and at the same time compare with others.

1x or 2x play in Month be enought

12's picture
Joined: Jun 2009
Re: Quake3 schedule program time plan

Bro, the idea with "stay free" app (or whatever it's called) would have been good if E+ players were young and not lazy.

Might as well play Quakelive or another game with a player base -_o_-

What u lookin' at, bra ? I'm back !