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WAX's picture
Joined: Jun 2004

imo you are letting this guy off the hook...the demos may not be conclusive but there is something fishy as hell about the whole GER clan and any connection to it and don’t flame cause I don’t care.

un you are aware that many cheats exist that are 99 % impossible to spot I have had v good players show me with cheat on and then just cant tell , I’m afraid we can no longer go on just specing, and no I don’t know what the answer is. Also I think quite the opposite there is not a "thought epidemic" people are getting a away with it in front of our eyes for the reason some ARE simply impossible to spot. If anything we need to be a lot more vigilant. We must not let a new player spit a community, I would rather a bad call was made than we try to always do the righteous thing. Remember this guy came from clan where there was cheating happening and people admitting to having cheats on their pc’s but not using them lol and now goof wants to go lay low for a while, sorry but it stinks

I called samtheman and fss at a time when many said ‘look he is ok he clean now’ ..’or no way does samtheman cheat’ and no one could see they where cheating until pressure was applied and they admitted it in anger end left the community....hmm well fss didn’t admit it, but then again he never does.

When we go quiet on cheaters they ultimately win we have lost too many good players who left the community cause of these fuckers, and now another is leaving partly due to the frustration of this sort of bullshit.

imo in 1v1 trance driv nihil etc are bloody hard to beat possibly the best 1v1 players in e+.....(yes I know there are many others but these guys are topical and involved in this fiasco), I don’t think I have ever beaten them..even when I try especially hard well vary rarely Happy

why do we accept a bunch of guys that are new to the mod and seem to easily be able to play within a few days at that level as being honest and trance as mistaken. Does no one remember how long it takes?

I’m sure this is gonna upset a few people, but really don’t get agree, if you don’t agree then again don’t agree there is no point I really don’t care. I’m just sick of cheaters making good players look like naive fools.
This post was going to be much much longer and more detailed post, but I suddenly realised I couldn’t be bothered.

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WAX's picture
Joined: Jun 2004

I have just re watched the demos...wh2 with the 3 maps on....I think if you canst see him following diablo from behind the wall then you need glasses...Unplayer please re watch wh2 demo...
he is even being sneaky and on dm3 pretending he found Diablo by accident under the ledge

..and on dm1 where trance says "...did you see that last frag?.....yep I surly did. he was locked on like laser. I would have to say though he only used it a portion of the game or ignored the help to make his game look more natural but as with all this crap and the reason they get away with it....its not 100 percent proof. They are small maps and some of it could be just luck....but I don’t think so

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WAX's picture
Joined: Jun 2004

Just one observation does come to mind though . When GER where being accused of cheating left right and centre, goof did distance himself very quickly
I don’t know whether he was kicked out of the clan or left cause he didn’t what to be associated with cheaters.
It is possible he is being used a scapegoat for our anger at cheaters. Or perhaps not, and that’s the problem I suppose....

goof's picture
Joined: May 2005

i left ger clan cuz i don't want that you think i am a cheater.
they don't kicked me out of clan
another reason: noob aka zero2 aka sarah (have many names) rejoined ger clan but i don't want this cuz i was not 100% sure if he is clean.
i have NO!!!! chance vs him he beat me 12:2, 12:4 easily.
when i wanted to join drt, trance played vs me and i had no chance. he is better then me!
i have no proof that i am no cheater but believe me i am no one :!:

{D*R*T} Anemic
anemic's picture
Joined: Nov 2004

Well, i guess we just can't say if it's wh or not from the demo. Some things look suspicious but could still be a coincidence.. I agree that only time & observation will tell..! wrote:

The worst thing that can happen to a player is being accused for something you never did.

More than true.

All generalizations are false, including this one. ~ Mark Twain

Saint's picture
Joined: Mar 2004
SE Sweden

Sorry Wax but i am not so convinced. If this had been a known player no one would have said anything.

Joined: Nov 2003

Actually - I agree with Saint.

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WAX's picture
Joined: Jun 2004

ye agreed saint...and that worries me even more

emaciej's picture
Joined: Sep 2004

Good and known players ALWAYS follow the sound. I mean good player first listens then goes into a place. And very good players follows EVERY sound of enemy. That means EXACTLY EVERY ONE SOUND.

So when you would see such a demo you could always said he heard him so he knew where he was.

Goof is not following every sound here. If it was me I would do different moves in some situations.

Goof was not reacting in some situations here eventhough the sound of enemy was quite loud. And at the other hand he did few frags like he was 100 % sure when the enemy was. And it suited perfect with WH.
And after that some lame deaths ..... Confusing :roll:

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WAX's picture
Joined: Jun 2004

thank you van for putting in to words what I found odd about the demo but could not seem to put my finger on.