Minimum files required for server?

10 replies [Last post]
Joined: Apr 2006

Hi there,

My wife and I have just started using E+ on our LAN to enable certain weapon/armor features, however, we would like to remove all the extra client stuff (replaced sounds, items, etc.).

I would like to know exactly what files are necessary to run the server-side scripts ONLY.

We run an instaGib-style FFA server from my PC and I would like to run my own client without seeing all the extra eye-candy that e+ contains.

Thanks in advance!


mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Minimum files required for server?

play the mod just serverside, if u can live with the annoing jumping ch.

Joined: Apr 2006
Minimum files required for server?

I should've explained myself better I think.

What I'd really like to know is... Can I delete all of the extra client stuff from the pak files and if so, which files are absolutely required to do the server-side modifcations.

I may end up creating a 3rd PAK file that contains only the required server-side files, since there isn't a separate release for the server.

mcbastard's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
Minimum files required for server?

Sry man but i really dont understand what u want too do/have here, ... let me guess u want a quake server (e+) but only the files which are needet by quake too run server ? or u want too play quake and u mean all stuff which is in ur hud like ur ammo weapons health armor ect. ? i dont know but the second post seems like u want too make all pak stuff which is needet in its own pak or all in one and then run anything ? man if u want that then i would like too say u that u should forget it better cause iam not sure if that works in any way, perhaps u tell more exactly what u want ..


«madbringer» «15:20»:

«Shady`mobile» «00:45»:
And both base and phil have too specialised music taste: digit has token white boy from middle america and felix eis cali loving dud named umet who despite thinking he is a crip or rasta lives in ISTANBUL

bazine's picture
Joined: Jul 2005
Minimum files required for server?
Wooly wrote:

I should've explained myself better I think.

What I'd really like to know is... Can I delete all of the extra client stuff from the pak files and if so, which files are absolutely required to do the server-side modifcations.

I may end up creating a 3rd PAK file that contains only the required server-side files, since there isn't a separate release for the server.

doesnt work that way mate...PK3 files never change...some are added for the mod..(e+)..they werent in the original quake.

all the modifications you want to do are done by execing a text file...wich is inside the excessive/conf folder.

we call that weapons-powerups-items config if you like.there are some on DRT clan site for can get them from there.

second file that determines how the server should server config.

wich define the rconpassword , name of server , maximum ping of players...etc...

this is also on DRT site for download.

and you can modify both....( remove item, quad , allow bots , physics , all are configurable in the settings of the configs ).

have fun.

PS ; what do you want to remove precisley...

name it .............

Joined: Apr 2006
Minimum files required for server?

First off, thanks for your responses, I'm really glad to see a q3a mod forum that is so up-to-date.

I love a lot of the extra touches that have been included in E+, like the Qname art, the player location flags, etc. I think it's great and really adds to the overall enjoyment of the game.

However, I would like to get a couple of things working more like plain-old Quake 3 1.32b, such as......

1.) Get rid of the CPMA style grenades that look like bricks with yellow bars (I managed to fix this by creating a custom pak that replaces models/grenadecpma.md3 from the PAK0.pk3)

2.) Make the railgun trail look like the standard railtrail in Quake 3 1.32b when cg_OldRail is set to 0. For example, commands like these no longer do anything in E+:

seta r_railWidth "16" // width of the rail trail
seta r_railCoreWidth "6" // size of the rail trail's core
seta r_railSegmentLength "32" // distance between rail "sun bursts"
seta cg_oldRail "0" // toggle railgun trail style

I've attached a pic to show what I'm talkin' about...

Thanks again!

parasight [E+]
parasight's picture
Joined: Sep 2004
Minimum files required for server?
Wooly wrote:

1.) Get rid of the CPMA style grenades that look like bricks with yellow bars (I managed to fix this by creating a custom pak that replaces models/grenadecpma.md3 from the PAK0.pk3)

xp_oldGrenade "0" // Disables the CPMA grenade model/skin.

From here.

Joined: Apr 2006
Minimum files required for server?

xp_oldGrenade "0" // Disables the CPMA grenade model/skin.

Thanks Para, I found that command about 5 minutes after I made that post, my bad... I should've looked a bit harder first.

Although I still can't find a solution for the railtrail. It appears to hard-coded in the VM bytecodes.

(HK) GoddaM
goddam's picture
Joined: Aug 2004
Minimum files required for server?

maybe this will help...

seta cg_oldPlasma "1"
seta cg_oldRocket "1"
seta cg_oldRail "1"
seta cg_noProjectileTrail "1"

and they are client side commands.

Joined: Apr 2006
Minimum files required for server?

Therein lies the problem, those commands do not change anything under E+, at least not the oldRail command.

(HK) GoddaM wrote:

maybe this will help...

seta cg_oldPlasma "1"
seta cg_oldRocket "1"
seta cg_oldRail "1"
seta cg_noProjectileTrail "1"

and they are client side commands.

(HK) GoddaM
goddam's picture
Joined: Aug 2004
Minimum files required for server?

what cfg are you changing them in ?? the config.cfg in the baseq3 folder or the config.cfg in the excessiveplus folder ..? cause they work for me..