Idea for Cup

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!@#$%&*( terror )_
terror's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
Re: Idea for Cup

I love plusN PTL Happy it's so much fun even 2v2 !

EL-D1ABL0's picture
Joined: Jan 2011
Re: Idea for Cup

hope u not talkin bout plusN..anyway im f1 too, lately we been playing always same shit, nothing fresh or new. many ppl judged bad bopoh cup, for me was something fresher than the same ftag cup. now seems divin got a but not bad idea, ofc need some fixes to his plan but i sure it will be good, as long as it will be something different.

Rank moderator
Joined: Dec 2007
Re: Idea for Cup

Big F1. Does it has to be ranked to be interesting? Not for me.

- Gentelmans, we are dealing with someone here who has absolutely no life..
- How do you kill that which has no life..?

Joined: Mar 2011
Re: Idea for Cup

@diablo, aww I just saw I forgot to say it's about PlusN, sorry.

@jeff, I already overthought that, but that would take to much time. When, for example, 8 clans will participate, 10 match will be played. If clans need to pick dates for 1vs1 AND cw's, the time between two round will have to be changed to 2-3 weeks, cause of the inactivity of this mod.

My original idea was to make something like this: , but without the ctf. So I thought a 1vs1 as tie-map would be cool, but that can be deleted. Big grin Ofcourse it would be awesome if all clans had to play 2 tdm and 2 tag maps, so it could be ranked as 2 cw's (a TDM cw and a FTAG). But, I don't think many players (including me) always have the time to play 2 hours non-stop.

@nag, I like the idea of adding new maps, just not proverek! I don't know why some people actually like that map... Uberkill is actually a great idea, since it could be the FTAG version of overkill (I don't think overkill should be played in FTAG anymore, cause of the Plasma room....).

And my last question: Who won't play a cup wich isn't ranked and why?

Greetz, divin

cheers, divin

q3fun's picture
Joined: Jun 2010
Re: Idea for Cup

I think u nub, go in AloneS))

Zydas's picture
Joined: Dec 2006
Re: Idea for Cup

You said rayd, who will be in from rest clan. I think if event will have in PlusN cfg, and tdm or tag gametype, then will be top clans in Happy, if ofc they will have active players. Allready personality i think, we can make Mixed event with TAG and TDM gametypes, and in it for sure THC clan will be. For example one week with TDM match, and revange in next Week with same opponent on TAG, and make Table with 6 rounds like before, but with 12 matches for example 6tdm/6tag, and will be all ranked ofc. Its can be like little league, its just a suggestion Big grin, just allready will start railonly event with tdm, then idk how will be with time for rest players.

tequila ~ horizon
tequila's picture
Joined: Oct 2011
Re: Idea for Cup

CA cup.. 6v6

Joined: Mar 2011
Re: Idea for Cup

Thx to zydek I think I've got the solution guys! I hope there will be 2 groups of 4 clans each. Each clan will play twice with every clan in their group. They could play once FTAG and once TDM.

For example: MR. , hyper , extreme and C4 are in one group (random clans).

First round will be: Mr-hyper and extreme-c4

second round: mr-extreme hyper-c4

third round: mr-c4 hyper -extreme

All these matches will be played in FTAG, then all the matches will be played again in TDM. So the 2 clans in the group with the most wins of the 6 games will go to semi-final.

Then, in the semi-final, #1 of group A will play against #2 of group B and reversed. The semi-final and the final will be OR TDM only OR FTAG only. Let me know what you guys think!

cheers, divin

Tricky's picture
Joined: May 2010
Re: Idea for Cup

It's fine idea divin, although I didn't really like the 1v1 part of the plan.

E+ needs many cups going. Unless we don't organize anything, whole game will completely die. This isn't the most exciting idea, but it's something and I think we should organize it.

Joined: Apr 2006
Re: Idea for Cup

PROTECT THE LEADER for TIE game !!!! XD all team play and Its ryly part of that mixed cup.

And point for rank we not add to tdm or ftag but to all overall pints (neverending) its call or something like that XD

Histroy :
PLUS = FOX Clan >> GSE Clan >> BBS Clan >> KTM Clan >> BURN* Clan >> BBSquad Clan >> MR Clan >> VENDETTA Clan >>
OUT of gaming Happy
RAIL = DUNNO Clan >> OF Clan >> PW Clan
>> OUT of gaming Happy