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(HK) GoddaM
goddam's picture
Joined: Aug 2004

u dont accept my view,
thats okay..

but dont take a piece of my text and make a new content with that..
i dont say the goverment suks so all ppl suks and so i havent feelin!

no i dont accept your view

and yes you did say about the goverment
and no i did not quote you out of context.

i havent a feelin for this persons, first thing is,
they know that they live in a hurricane-landscape,
sec. is much wars on the world, much ppl cryin evry day,
they r hungry, they lost there family, some were violent,
they lost there life, they ve evry day bombs around (in their hometown)
and now a hurricane blast usa, and this arrogant ppl`s there
were the goverment ruins the world wakeup of the dream that
their life is okay and see the thruth, what goin on in the world..
what do they at first? - they fight, they robberin the shops,
they dunno what to do..

no..i ve no feelin for that guys..

if you feel you are being misquoted, maybe you should learn better english before posting your opinion on such a sensitive subject.

mattheyas's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
(HK) GoddaM wrote:

u dont accept my view,
thats okay..

but dont take a piece of my text and make a new content with that..
i dont say the goverment suks so all ppl suks and so i havent feelin!

no i dont accept your view

and yes you did say about the goverment
and no i did not quote you out of context.

i havent a feelin for this persons, first thing is,
they know that they live in a hurricane-landscape,
sec. is much wars on the world, much ppl cryin evry day,
they r hungry, they lost there family, some were violent,
they lost there life, they ve evry day bombs around (in their hometown)
and now a hurricane blast usa, and this arrogant ppl`s there
were the goverment ruins the world wakeup of the dream that
their life is okay and see the thruth, what goin on in the world..
what do they at first? - they fight, they robberin the shops,
they dunno what to do..

no..i ve no feelin for that guys..

if you feel you are being misquoted, maybe you should learn better english before posting your opinion on such a sensitive subject.


if u feel better, yea i must learn english..

Joined: Sep 2005

Where are ur prayers for the mother, fathers, kids that are dying of : Aids, Hunger, Water that's poisonT? in africa (all 3th world country's)

Sorry, happen to agree with MATHEYAS..

Where are the topic's with the prayers for the 3th world country's ?????

Sorry I find it really terrible for those ppl, for the ppl that lost a loved one.. believe i know how that feels, lost 3 at the same time..
(for those that are already dead, hope for them it was quick)

But i'm not like 'how terrible, this.. how terrible, that..'
cuz aint like that when ppl are dying in africa..

in usa maybe 10.000+ died..

but every 3 seconds someone dies of hunger in africa...
Now count it for 7 days.. lemme know how many that are...

Dont be hatin' on MATH.. and let him give his opion..
and dont be hatin on me for givin' me mine..

If you want to pray for them .. jst go head Happy

~ 1 ~

(HK) GoddaM
goddam's picture
Joined: Aug 2004

i will say again:

my heart is with all who have lost something that is dear to them.

Joined: Jun 2005

i have to agree (in part at least) with all of you

yes the government has gone crazy over here for instance:
there was a 16 year old in new orleans that found a bus station, for school buses, and took the keys for a bus and took one of the buses going around and helping every one he could to get out of new orleans. he drove to texas (i dont rember what city) with a bus load of 80 people ,on a bus built to hold 50, and when they got to their destination in texas in stead of being praised for his heroic efforts the kid was charged of stealing the bus!

but then agian what else would you expect?! we're CRAZY!!!!!!

Darkness is swallowing me... no wait i see light!!!


hmm.. i dont understand why everytime something goes wrong its blamed on Bush! As i remeber it was a natural desaister! I think the mayor is to fault with the whole thing he chould got all those buses and got all those people out instead he just left them there! Plus the reason they got all that water is cause of the leveys broke and the mayor didnt call no one till that happened. I feel bad for those people who are not acting like animals over there! Those people that everone feels bad for have been stealing (tvs stuff they dont need, i chould see cloths and food they need but tvs? Where they going to plug it in at?), raping women in the bathrooms in the dome, shooting at rescue planes, and fighting and shooting each other. They r acting like animals even the people there say that. Point blank the mayor should have done a lot more then what he did! What i really think is wrong that they r all turning it into a racial thing just because its like 70% black. If this would have happened some where else u would not hear them saying bush dont like white people! I think that everyone needs to get over the racial shit cause it is really getting old!!!!!!! If Bush didnt like black people why would he have to people that held secretary of state Condolessa Rice and Collin Powell Who r both black? Plus go down there himself to new orleans and hug on them if he didnt like them? I think everyone just wants someone to blame and of course its bush everytime! Maybe they should blame themselfs cause they were told to leave and didnt! Dont get me wrong i feel for those people and hope nothing but the best for them(the ones not acting like animals) but if i was told to leave i would the 1st one to leave life is more important then things! Well thats what i think and noone has to agree with me but thats what i see on the news! Big grin

spider's picture
Joined: Apr 2005

Where are the topic's with the prayers for the 3th world country's ?????

I live in Mexico Happy 3th world country but this topic is for victims of Katrina.

I have too much problems in my country yes trully yes. But i care about those peoples couse i imagine how they are right now. In my country people die for hunger too not just in africa. I work since 14 years couse my parents kouldnt give me edukation. i think you dont know what is that so if i want to talk about 3th world country i will start with myselfe and i will never end.

Now im sad couse fucking rapers are hunting Woman up there in "New O" fucking gangs shooting eachother instead of help people. DO u know what is HUnger ?? at least for 1 week .. try to not eat in 4 days and u will figure out..

I will stand to my words, im not krying, and i dont play to be a Dark Heart even darkness bleeds... what u can tell me about it

Please dont fight here

This is a diferent topik .. where diferent ideas kome togheter.. its the best expample of what we have to do when crisis arrives.

Analize this words

This is a diferent topik .. where diferent ideas kome togheter.. its the best expample of what we have to do when crisis arrives.

.: | h3ktor dice:
phail ;_;


Joined: Feb 2004
US United States

hmm.. i dont understand why everytime something goes wrong its blamed on Bush! As i remeber it was a natural desaister! I think the mayor is to fault with the whole thing he chould got all those buses and got all those people out instead he just left them there! Plus the reason they got all that water is cause of the leveys broke and the mayor didnt call no one till that happened. I feel bad for those people who are not acting like animals over there! Those people that everone feels bad for have been stealing (tvs stuff they dont need, i chould see cloths and food they need but tvs? Where they going to plug it in at?), raping women in the bathrooms in the dome, shooting at rescue planes, and fighting and shooting each other. They r acting like animals even the people there say that. Point blank the mayor should have done a lot more then what he did! What i really think is wrong that they r all turning it into a racial thing just because its like 70% black. If this would have happened some where else u would not hear them saying bush dont like white people! I think that everyone needs to get over the racial shit cause it is really getting old!!!!!!! If Bush didnt like black people why would he have to people that held secretary of state Condolessa Rice and Collin Powell Who r both black? Plus go down there himself to new orleans and hug on them if he didnt like them? I think everyone just wants someone to blame and of course its bush everytime! Maybe they should blame themselfs cause they were told to leave and didnt! Dont get me wrong i feel for those people and hope nothing but the best for them(the ones not acting like animals) but if i was told to leave i would the 1st one to leave life is more important then things! Well thats what i think and noone has to agree with me but thats what i see on the news! Very Happy

Exactly :salute:


whats up balls havent seen u in forever!! Big grin Big grin Big grin

Joined: Feb 2004
US United States

Nothing much, been playing at Old Farts some. How u been?