HUD element help needed

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Divx's picture
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GB United Kingdom

I've made my HUD all ok except for the team and flag status elements which are refusing to work as I intend. The red/blue team status switch sides depending which team I'm on. Hard to explain and I don't have the files on Han atm to paste the code here.None of the prebundled huds seem to have an example of what I want and I can't find the default HUD in the e+ pk3 files.
All I need is the way these elements are displayed on the default HUD. I can adjust it from that. Can anyone post how it should be here?
To clarify the bit I'm talking about, it's the bit that displays the red and blue teams score, the head model image above iit with the number of alive team members and this bit swaps for flags when game type is 4.Also, no idea why this happens, got it working shortly before I fucked with it but I can't always get it to display doom_red.tga. If I change that to doom_blue it works :/The red tga does exist in pak0 and I had it working at some point last night. But I tried so many different combinations fiuckin with this thing for hours and give up for now. If anyone can post an example it would be appreciated. I'll supply further info later if needed

Deathadder | Goliathus Speed | Filco Majestouch | i7 3770 | 16GB | GTX 1080 | Xonar Essence ST | Sennheiser HD598

Forum moderator
Divx's picture
Joined: Aug 2008
GB United Kingdom
Re: HUD element help needed

superbad wrote:
PreDecorate {rect 620 413 20 17;image models/players/sarge/icon_blue.tga}
TeamCount_OWN { rect 620 420 20 17;fontsize 10;font ui;textstyle 1;textalign C}

PreDecorate {rect 600 413 20 17;image models/players/sarge/icon_red.tga}

TeamCount_NME { rect 600 420 20 17;fontsize 10;font ui;textstyle 1;textalign C}

Score_Limit { rect 573 430 27 10; fontsize 11; font ui ; textstyle 1; textalign C; color 1 1 1 1 ; bgcolor 0.816 0.816 0.816 0.5 ; fill; anchors 12; }

FlagStatus_OWN { rect 600 413 20 17; color T }
predecorate{rect 600 430 20 10;bgcolor 1 0 0 0.5 ; fill}
Score_OWN { rect 620 430 20 10; font ui; fontsize 10; textstyle 1; textalign C }

FlagStatus_NME { rect 620 413 20 17; color E}
predecorate {rect 620 430 20 10;bgcolor 0 0 1 0.5 ; fill}
Score_NME { rect 600 430 20 10; font ui; fontsize 10; textstyle 1; textalign C }

edit. maybe i was a bit too fucked last night, looks like its mostly working today. i didnt touch anything.

still have one issue though, the team scores and team count numbers switch sides. i need to know how to make them stay where they are. any ideas?

Deathadder | Goliathus Speed | Filco Majestouch | i7 3770 | 16GB | GTX 1080 | Xonar Essence ST | Sennheiser HD598

intact-epsilon's picture
Joined: Dec 2006
RO Romania
Re: HUD element help needed

If you saw, they switch sides because you switched sides.

Its not Team Score Red and Team Score Blue but rather your Own Team score: TeamCount_OWN the Enemy team score : TeamCount_NME

Everything related to team is like that, its not red and blue but "Own" and "Enemy"
If you suggest to be with red and blue that requires a new implementation which could be done in the future if agreed upon.

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Divx's picture
Joined: Aug 2008
GB United Kingdom
Re: HUD element help needed

thanks, i understand its own and enemy. bit of a mess to get my mind around how that would react though.
are you saying its not possible to make a custom hud that does the same job that the default one does?
own team score can be on the left or right (red or blue). and the frame around that box will adjust.

custom one has 1 setting for own and 1 for team. when you change team, the numbers will also swap.
makes sense i guess, but fucks up the use of this elelment Confused

see here:
first half=custom
second= default

Deathadder | Goliathus Speed | Filco Majestouch | i7 3770 | 16GB | GTX 1080 | Xonar Essence ST | Sennheiser HD598

japierdole's picture
Joined: Jan 2012
US United States
Re: HUD element help needed

Hey, I'm to lazy to install quake and try sort it out but if you didn't use this app it may help you

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Divx's picture
Joined: Aug 2008
GB United Kingdom
Re: HUD element help needed

Thanks, I'll take a look later but don't have a lot of home considering this is probably tailored, But who knows. Worth a try:)
If anyone's willing to try and do it, would be appreciated.I'll post the HUD when it's sorted.

Deathadder | Goliathus Speed | Filco Majestouch | i7 3770 | 16GB | GTX 1080 | Xonar Essence ST | Sennheiser HD598

APOLLO's picture
Joined: Oct 2010
Re: HUD element help needed

The customized hud looks pretty well.
I like it.... Good job Happy

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Forum moderator
Divx's picture
Joined: Aug 2008
GB United Kingdom
Re: HUD element help needed
APOLLO wrote:

The customized hud looks pretty well.
I like it.... Good job Happy

Thanks Happy

managed to work it out. have the model head, fill area and flag statuses set to color t and e for team and enemy and rect in the place you want your side to be. and reference the icon_xp.tga thats in the 2.0 pk3 which is white. the color of team or enemy will overlay it.

settings wrote:

Score_Limit { rect 573 430 27 10; fontsize 11; font ui ; textstyle 1; textalign C; color 1 1 1 1 ; bgcolor 0.816 0.816 0.816 0.5 ; fill; anchors 6 }

PreDecorate {rect 620 413 20 17;color e;image models/players/doom/icon_xp.tga;anchors 6}
PreDecorate {rect 600 413 20 17;color t;image models/players/doom/icon_xp.tga;anchors 6}

TeamCount_OWN { rect 600 420 20 17;fontsize 10;font ui;textstyle 1;textalign C;anchors 6}
TeamCount_NME { rect 620 420 20 17;fontsize 10;font ui;textstyle 1;textalign C;anchors 6}

FlagStatus_OWN { rect 620 413 20 17; color E;anchors 6}
FlagStatus_NME { rect 600 413 20 17; color T;anchors 6}

predecorate{rect 600 430 20 10;color t;bgcolor 1 0 0 0.5 ; fill;anchors 6}
predecorate {rect 620 430 20 10;color e;bgcolor 0 0 1 0.5 ; fill;anchors 6}

Score_NME { rect 620 430 20 10; font ui; fontsize 10; textstyle 1; textalign C;anchors 6}
Score_OWN { rect 600 430 20 10; font ui; fontsize 10; textstyle 1; textalign C;anchors 6}

#// own score border
#// horizontal lines
postdecorate { rect 707 413 20 1; fill; bgcolor 1 1 1 0.7}
postdecorate { rect 707 439 20 1; fill;bgcolor 1 1 1 0.7}

#// vectical lines
postdecorate { rect 706 413 1 27; fill;bgcolor 1 1 1 0.7}
postdecorate { rect 726 413 1 27; fill;bgcolor 1 1 1 0.7}[/quote


Deathadder | Goliathus Speed | Filco Majestouch | i7 3770 | 16GB | GTX 1080 | Xonar Essence ST | Sennheiser HD598

beng's picture
Joined: Jul 2008
Re: HUD element help needed

Is this custom HUD stuff allowed by PhunkBuster? Nice idea, divx, some time ago I just was on sth like this.

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Divx's picture
Joined: Aug 2008
GB United Kingdom
Re: HUD element help needed

Good question Sad
Don't know about pb, unfortunately it seems pure doesn't like it (images won't load).I know there's a cml.pk3 for his HUD which seems to auto download itself after I deleted it. Don't remember if that came with the e+ update whether it's just on the servers I connect to.
I can post it when it's done, and if you want to use it with pure enabled, it's up to the server admin to allow and uplod it.What's the community's opinion on this? Should there be a process (someone high enough to validate its safe or something)

Deathadder | Goliathus Speed | Filco Majestouch | i7 3770 | 16GB | GTX 1080 | Xonar Essence ST | Sennheiser HD598

japierdole's picture
Joined: Jan 2012
US United States
Re: HUD element help needed

I don't know about punkbuster, but I'm pretty sure pure will kick you with extra *pk3 file, if there is just that change for graphic of HUD I don't see any hazard to implement it on servers, but it's still owners decision to allow it. Anyway none of HUD cfg edits will make you suspected as long as it is using known *pk3 files to make it working.

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