*FL* Recruiting :)

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paulina's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
*FL* Recruiting :)

If it(she) does does not much play this where???? Or it(she) does not play or I change name????

Keres's picture
Joined: Jul 2005
*FL* Recruiting :)

I am curious as to where the other FL members are. I see Condesa, Nova, Amora, Pauly and myself online quite a bit. I was wondering where the other FL members can be. I admit that I am not fluent in spainish. Perhaps condesa you could translate the above message for me??

I would just like to get a hold of Barbie and Vamp---and any others that I have left out. I am not sure if they read the forums or not. Perhaps, email would be a better way to communicate. I am just wondering where the other members are Thinking: