[Fixed] switching gameytypes
When gametype is switched to 1vs1 or ffa spectators join automatically, this isn't always wanted.
When gametype is teambased (example : ftag) is switched to other teambased (example: tdm), players join all the specators while they were before on teams.
This is a very old bug discouraging server owners to change gametype often.
So as a general rule, if a player was playing before switching gametype he should stay playing(not in spec) after. And if he was spec, he must stay spec except for 1vs1.
Important ...
as a general rule, if a player was playing before switching gametype he
should stay playing(not in spec) after. And if he was spec, he must
stay spec except for 1vs1.
Even is g_Autojoin ("0/1") set.
Please try to fix it...!
greets asp
yes, this bug.. is very very bad..
and..need to fix it:)
/set g_teamAutoJoin 2
to preserve teams after a gametype change.