Devourer09 uses aimbot (demo)

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Joined: Jul 2005
Devourer09 uses aimbot (demo)

So its fact he used cheats =(
But damn the easyer to discovery the aimbot ! I think in a real game an aimbot user cant be problem for long time . I mean really easy to discover an aimbot user and he got kicked atm... i mean if somebody really a fucker and wanna be "better" and he use cheats for it, then he/she wont use an aimbot ! Its sure... Who use aimnbot only wanna fun, but its a shit mode to have fun...and Also agree he should to tryout it offline ! Or at least without tag or something...
But i think take the power for the real cheaters ! For example wallheck or oithers... ( i duno many about cheats )
Oh , i know its really good somebody caught a cheater. Hurrey! But its not what we wanna find... i mean the aimbot user will kicked fast a noob can discover it too... But the others...whos play many times with cheat but nobody can discover i guess should to give more power to find the "pro cheaters" and not like these noob aimbot.
But of course cheater = bann ...i know . But as i see he really sorry it and wont do it again.

XbODz's picture
Joined: May 2005
Devourer09 uses aimbot (demo)

agree with u dany, i just wanna add, that i know a bit devo and he is a good guy and has always been fair when i saw him play so let's give him 1 more chance for this time hopping this will not reproduced. cu

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WAX's picture
Joined: Jun 2004
Devourer09 uses aimbot (demo)

The noobs that use easy to spot aimbots and just a pain for a few maps.The players that use sophisticated aimbots that are almost impossible to spot are dangerous and should be given no tolerance.

I have never even considered trying to find a cheat programme or understood the point of cheating. And I’m sure most would agree. A person who hunts down a cheat programme has the idea in his head that he can somehow take the easy rout to winning.. What if he had found a bot that no one could see him using, and he was able to win map after map. At what point would he decide to stop using it ?

imo if anyone is foolish to even try a bot why do it with his own name? Because he is looking to get away with it and claim false wins is what I think. I know I’m very unforgiving but I as many many players, have spent month after bloody month trying to become a good player, and for some moron to just come a long and use a cheat, is a waste of my life and I value that more than a cheater. As a person I’m am a very forgiving person 90 percent of the time. On this subject....well it falls in the the 10 percent category.

If it was a player in EVOL who cheated no matter how long they had been in the clan or how good a friend they where, they would be kicked out. In fact we lost a very good player about a year ago who was suspected of cheating, after I kicked I him, it did look like it was perhaps a mistake could have been made and his story was genuine, but in EVOL there are no second chances and I think that should apply to the whole mod but I’m hardline on this and I’m sure may will disagree, but that free speech for you 

foksie's picture
Joined: Jun 2005
Devourer09 uses aimbot (demo)

I agree with wax. Allowing a cheater to continue playing is throwing mud in the face of anyone who spent hours / days / months / years earning his skill here to be a good player.

Hell, ive been playing for only a month and a half, and i think my skill is now decent enough so that good players dont fall asleep while playing with me. It was a fun learning process, but it was also hard work, spending hours spectating those fabulous DRTs and KOs and SWEs and EVOLs and LEMONs and WASPS and so on... Then you play one game, try to do what youve seen, but you get pwn3d 12:0 by for example DRIV. Then again its 10 minutes spec, thinking "what i did wrong?" "why i suck so bad?" and swallowing your pride to get better. and cheaters just download and whooo they are king of the world. ive seen a lot of really good online games destroyed by cheaters. lets not allow e+ to be one.

I am proud of spreading a pirated Excessive Plus version and claim to be the original author, yay!

goof's picture
Joined: May 2005
Devourer09 uses aimbot (demo)

i know that this have nothing to do with this topic but i don't want to open
a new one for this person...

i played on ringo 1v1 and a saw this person

always rail acc about 70 %, maybe a good player or a cheater????

here are 2 demos and i'm not the only one who said that he is (maybe) a cheater

Site administrator
term's picture
Joined: Feb 2004
Devourer09 uses aimbot (demo)

Yes, I admit it but I won't anymore... Sorry... I just wanted to test an aimbot see what it was like, found out it's not that fun... It's more gratifying to have some real skill. It may be a fun at first to have a aimbot but long term use is just not worth it, you skill goes to crap and the game is not fun. So I shall no longer use this aimbot many will probably not believe me but if you catch me again feel free to ban me. I'm sorry to cause any distress to anyone when I was using the aimbot to make games unfair and unenjoyable. If you ban me now, then please don't ban me from Easy's servers, (excesive5.cfg) those are the true servers which I love. Ok... my uhh... apology is done.

I have warned you before.

He has been found cheating Multiple times on DeeX Server, and is now banned.

I agree, Once a Cheat, Always a Cheat.

ExcessivePlus Administrator

merauder's picture
Joined: Jan 2005
Devourer09 uses aimbot (demo)

I have warned you before.

He has been found cheating Multiple times on DeeX Server, and is now banned.

I agree, Once a Cheat, Always a Cheat.

great post that i agree with 100%.

vote /sv_punkbuster 1

Joined: May 2005
Devourer09 uses aimbot (demo)
|.NS?CTHULHU| wrote:

Yes, I admit it but I won't anymore... Sorry... I just wanted to test an aimbot see what it was like, found out it's not that fun... It's more gratifying to have some real skill. It may be a fun at first to have a aimbot but long term use is just not worth it, you skill goes to crap and the game is not fun. So I shall no longer use this aimbot many will probably not believe me but if you catch me again feel free to ban me. I'm sorry to cause any distress to anyone when I was using the aimbot to make games unfair and unenjoyable. If you ban me now, then please don't ban me from Easy's servers, (excesive5.cfg) those are the true servers which I love. Ok... my uhh... apology is done.

Bullshit,this is the lamest excuse i ever saw in my e+ career...if u wanted to test a aimbot u could of easily done it in single player or start your own MP session/server,add some bots and test it...joining a public online server where normal ppl play and testing a aimbot there is for ban.BAN BAN BAN...and I really hope they will ban you from all servers,btw,does someone have his ip so we can add him to lemon server? Winking

Joined: Mar 2004
Devourer09 uses aimbot (demo)

Dumm fuck try move small areas ..when ist harder to see that auto aim ..

Joined: Apr 2005
Devourer09 uses aimbot (demo)

Sorry but once a cheater, there is always a possibility you'll cheat again. It's not like you just started playing this game and you knew nothing about how to play the game. You've played for @ least six months now, in which you have improved a lot. But now that's all in question because you were caught using a bot.

Apologies don't mean shit after you've been caught...

I'm in a clan called Dv8 in 1.30 and we had a clan member get caught cheating, wall hack. He was removed...

Sorry Dev, cheating isn't allowed and you knew that. Consider yourself banned...

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