Beer needs better ref/admin system...

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Joined: Aug 2005
Beer needs better ref/admin system...
mow Q [EN] wrote:

Well, edawn is still in the betastatus (certainly advanced as e+ 1.03 or 1.04beta4), however nevertheless beta. In addition, in edawn everyone knows everyone, yet. There are a sufficient ammount of adiministrators and referees. Punkbuster is eligible on most servers (not so many servers, yet).

I honestly don't mean to start a flame war but edawn has many things to thank e+ for and you know this. Such as knowing everyone, the framework. Also, there are insufficient amount of players, but i am glad you have enough admins and refs around to keep them in line. The success of edawn could be benefitial for e+, someday.

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Beer needs better ref/admin system...

i am not here to argue about e+ vs edawn. People who are here, at least for the last 3 years know already the facts.

well, and actually, this is not the topic here. it is not my fault, that some people always have to go offtopic *cough* killer *cough*

Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Beer needs better ref/admin system...
mow Q [EN] wrote:

That stands for me out of discussion. A round with 92 percent accuracy in e+ is not really possible, not by Laktos, not by Skullhead, not by fatal1ty, nor by any other gamer.

approved, impossible, especially by a noone, highest i reached with 5 mins gaming time was somewhere at 80 if i remember right in freeze.

ps: the nick killer must have a special meaning that makes people be odd persons.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

Reno's picture
Joined: Sep 2006
Beer needs better ref/admin system...
rUnThEoN?! wrote:

mow Q [EN] wrote:
That stands for me out of discussion. A round with 92 percent accuracy in e+ is not really possible, not by Laktos, not by Skullhead, not by fatal1ty, nor by any other gamer.

approved, impossible, especially by a noone, highest i reached with 5 mins gaming time was somewhere at 80 if i remember right in freeze.

ps: the nick killer must have a special meaning that makes people be odd persons.

not impossible. once i got 100% for at least 5 minutes and 15 kills. but that was one random game.

"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Beer needs better ref/admin system...

uncle, do it in a game about 15-20 minutes Happy

I already had also 18 frags in a row without a miss, but it was on a server with no other good player on it, dm17, railonly.

InsaneKid's picture
Joined: May 2007
Beer needs better ref/admin system...

it is not the game that becomes boring (we dont need another e+)!
its the job of the admins to bring a breath of fresh air
onto the servers!

E+ has many possibilities to make ALL servers different from each other.
And to create a game that can be explored ...that has always smth new
even for old players.

Mona's picture
Joined: Jul 2004
SE Sweden
Beer needs better ref/admin system...

For me E+ is like it is on our servers. What do you mean new fresh air to the maps or what?

InsaneKid's picture
Joined: May 2007
Beer needs better ref/admin system...

E+ has a BIG potential that is not realized (on servers) completely, i find.-
Quite all aspects of the game are customizable, but the admins dont use it.

Ofc new or at least different maps are 1 way.-
But also some style-servers would be nice:
That have different player-models loaded,
that can also be used, when the server is pure!

all talk about CONF and to try smth new, but i dont see it.
A crazy idea that ive tried, was to make the BFG as in DOOM1, for example.-
(And the result of my thoughts is DTB!)
Server-admins should be more brave and try smth crazy too!-
esp on those servers that are mostly empty.

CrazyConf + CrazyMaps + Announcement = FragFest

Thers enough empty space to create a totally new offer:
out of maps, confs and models.
Thers no need to have a rotation out of 20maps.-
Sure, the original maps are on all servers ...but they dont have to be on rotation.
Do u need dm6 and 6++, dm7 and 7++?

The admins make the game, coz they got the power!

xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
Beer needs better ref/admin system...

grrrrrrrrrr, I have writen text and droped it accidentally Love struck Love struck Love struck

There are 114 servers :
- 10 private
- 15 for e5 kind
- all other for plus like
where are other original configs ? such as rebounce or whatever

There are 5 gametypes on servers :
freeze, tdm , 1vs1, ffa and ctf
where is dedicated server for CA ?

It's like having a lot of shops with same items and same prices.
you choose to join nearest one(ping) and safer one(nice ppl around).

It's time to change your marketing strategy (differenciation).
We don't need 25 freeze servers having same conf and maps. 2-3 servers are enough

N.B : how is it possible for players to know cfg used in server from spider ? answer : write it down in server's name Evil

Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

Check this peacefull place

InsaneKid's picture
Joined: May 2007
Beer needs better ref/admin system...

the CONF u can see in the right-window next to the map-pic;
after u clicked in the list on the server of ur choise! <:

i dont wanna argue, thats just on my mind,
when i switch from DOOM1 to E+

there u dont just enter another server ...
its like another universe there (on most servers).
Thats what the game still makes interestin and fun
(even after so many years).

thers no need for another e+
WE just need to try to make the best out of it.
And we have so many servers to experiment. Winking